Omega Red without suicides

I could take my 5 Star to Rank 4 (and Rank 5) if I wanted. He’s not awakened but I could awaken him and max sig him as well.
However, I’ve been sitting him out for about 6 months as I just haven’t been that impressed with his damage (I know most comes from degeneration).
Does anyone use Omega without suicides? Is he really worth the resources to awaken and max signature if I don’t plan on ever running suicides?
However, I’ve been sitting him out for about 6 months as I just haven’t been that impressed with his damage (I know most comes from degeneration).
Does anyone use Omega without suicides? Is he really worth the resources to awaken and max signature if I don’t plan on ever running suicides?
Omega Red without suicides 31 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
For omega red this means running suicides. Can you use him without them and still do well? Of course. But I personally wouldn’t go all in on a champ unless I was going to use them at their best.
I have a max sig OR. He’s a good champ without suicides, he’s ridiculously good with them.
I took my Omega to r5 2 days ago and I don't run suicides. He's still insanely good.
It can depend on your roster but for me I never used him after taking him up to high sig and r4, the fights just took too long compared with other champs I had available like hype, warlock Corvus for eg, he just offered a worse version of fight solutions I could get from those other champs.
Now I turned suicides on I maxed him out at r5 and he’s my main champ. I think even then he’s best with sabretooth or dpx.