Rankups and Help for 6.2.5 and 6.2.6

I'm currently on 6.2.4, and I'm planning to do it in a day or two. I'm fairly confident with the node and I don't think the boss will be a problem either. however, Ive seen gameplay of the mordo boss, and he looks painful. obviously, everyone has heard of the champion boss. could anyone give me advice on who to rank up for these two fights? thanks 

Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
As for the Champion boss, your best counter is probably Stealthy – who can't do the fight right now due to the bug. My advice would be just to wait until either you get a Champion counter who can do the fight bugged or until the bug gets resolved, and in the meantime rank Human Torch, Archangel, Sentinel, etc...
I think I'll rank both torch and caiw. I have all the cats for both but I need iso
Cap IW works for the entire fight but first 90% will be will be harder unawakened.
There's a phase where champions mediums/lights become unblockable, makes it hard to keep kinetic charges up.
Awakened with a mystic on the team any time a buff expires he gets a kinetic charge so you don't have to manage them
Champion procs a lot of furies and unstoppable so he feeds you a lot of kinetic charges. It makes it easier to fight him since you don't need to rely on blocking hits to get kinetic charges
Stealthy's Slow debuff reduces ability accuracy of Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%
the Champion either has a phase or a node that increases ability accuracy so he will still be unstoppable and hence the stun.
i think its why the patch notes aim to clarify this.
– Updated the description of Slow for Champs and Nodes. This is to specify if it reduces the Ability Accuracy of Unstoppable and Evade effects by X%.
No wasp, no domino trinity
what I'm worried about is the final 10%
Just a tip don't get baited into using 1 Revive while you team is down on the Mordo make sure to fully team revive or just pop a single revive on the character you want to use the most for the fight.
The champion boss is fairly simple now just practice special dex's on duel targets and Goodluck
Rank up Torch and use him vs Mordo (he'll rinse him down)
Open up Science/Mystic crystals (the only thing you're missing is a great counter to the Champion's first 90% phase. I used Sym Supreme at r4 and it was super fun cuz it was sp3 sp2 sp2 sp3 again and again spam). Only used one revive. I purposefully died at 10% because my r5 Cap IW did the last 10% easily. Block 3 sp1's (he has phenomenal block proficiency), throw a special attack, and win the fight. There's many mystics who can help you beat the Champion. However, if you can't manage to get a Sym Supreme, Sorc Supreme, or Doom. I would go with Stealth Spidey. Stealth Spidey can do the entire fight with relative ease. If you just want to get it over with, use Stealth Spidey. He works really well. If you're willing to wait a bit, go for the mystic/science crystal because Symbiote Supreme is the absolute MVP for that fight. But considering that you're only going for completion, you could just go with Stealth Spidey.
Practice the in/out sp1 dex as per MSD she hulk video and you won’t need to block anything. It’s really not that hard, there are some extremely helpful audio cues you can use to time the dash in.
As long as you don’t previously dex to bait him, you can use the dexterity buff in duels to verify you have the technique down.
Good luck!
Thanks a lot @Berjibs and @Thicco_Mode