New champion Firebird

Mystic class
Signature ability- Anger of Flames
firebird increases the damage of Incinerate applied. when the opponent is suffering from incinerate debuff firebeird all hits are critical. when Blocking 50% chance to trigger a Incinerate debuff on opponent inflicting direct damage over time.
Burning- Firebird has 70% chance to incinerate opponent on all hits.
Aura of Flames- Firebird takes the shape of a bird and she focuses her flames towards the opponent. when she is in bird form she can double the damage of incinerate applied and her incinerate can inflict a armor break on opponent for 3 seconds per stack of Incinerate applied.
Thermal flames- Firebird all medium attacks has 90% chance to inflict a Thermal Incinerate debuff on opponent inflicting direct damage over time. Thermal incinerate can reverse the healing effects of opponent by 200%.
Fire armor- firebird first gains a fire armor for first 20 seconds of the match. Fire armor grants him 45% resistance against physical and energy attacks. when firebird is suffering from armor break debuff his fire armor is shattered and takes 30 seconds to reforge.
Speed of Bird- Firebird has 70% chance to know all the incoming attacks of opponent and can evade them.
Immunity- Firebird is immune to bleed,coldsnap,incinerate and Poison.
Birds of prey- Firebird all attacks can not be missed and evaded.
Synergies- Founded by whom
1. Thing
Synergy effect- All champions gain 1000 critical rating
2. Friends
1. Moon knight
2. Iron Man
3. Captain america
4. Hawkeye
Synergy effect- All champions Medium attacks are unblockable.
3. Enemies
1. Kang
2. Ant- Man
Synergy effect- All champions have 100% chance to regenrate 30% health when their health is 30%
4. Immortality
1. Thor
2. Thor ragnarork
3. Firebird
Synergy effect- All champions become Indestructible for 15 seconds when their health is 1%
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Mystic class
Signature ability- Anger of Flames
firebird increases the damage of Incinerate applied. when the opponent is suffering from incinerate debuff firebeird all hits are critical. when Blocking 50% chance to trigger a Incinerate debuff on opponent inflicting direct damage over time.
Burning- Firebird has 70% chance to incinerate opponent on all hits.
Aura of Flames- Firebird takes the shape of a bird and she focuses her flames towards the opponent. when she is in bird form she can double the damage of incinerate applied and her incinerate can inflict a armor break on opponent for 3 seconds per stack of Incinerate applied.
Thermal flames- Firebird all medium attacks has 90% chance to inflict a Thermal Incinerate debuff on opponent inflicting direct damage over time. Thermal incinerate can reverse the healing effects of opponent by 200%.
Fire armor- firebird first gains a fire armor for first 20 seconds of the match. Fire armor grants him 45% resistance against physical and energy attacks. when firebird is suffering from armor break debuff his fire armor is shattered and takes 30 seconds to reforge.
Speed of Bird- Firebird has 70% chance to know all the incoming attacks of opponent and can evade them.
Immunity- Firebird is immune to bleed,coldsnap,incinerate and Poison.
Birds of prey- Firebird all attacks can not be missed and evaded.
Synergies- Founded by whom
1. Thing
Synergy effect- All champions gain 1000 critical rating
2. Friends
1. Moon knight
2. Iron Man
3. Captain america
4. Hawkeye
Synergy effect- All champions Medium attacks are unblockable.
3. Enemies
1. Kang
2. Ant- Man
Synergy effect- All champions have 100% chance to regenrate 30% health when their health is 30%
4. Immortality
1. Thor
2. Thor ragnarork
3. Firebird
Synergy effect- All champions become Indestructible for 15 seconds when their health is 1%
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Please post new champion ideas on there. Thanks.
And take away the last synergy or make it so they heal max 10% unless they regenerate slowly. Also for synergy 3 make it critical because, lets say its aw and you're against her with a kang synergy then that's just really hard and would take practise and a bit of skill. (If it was me deciding her buffs) I would make it +X% power gain for all champions, for the synergy. And I like the sig ability, but would it be 50% at max sig?
Also how much damage would the incinerate do p/s? And is Aura of Flames, Thermal Flames and Fire armour buffs applied after using a certain special attack, so Aura of Flames (sp1), Thermal Flames (sp2) and Fire armour (sp3) and how long would those buffs last for?
But overall, I like the idea of Firebird
Doubled thermal ability will remain in the whole match after activating special 2 and you can triple them by again activating special 2 and again and again. special 3 gives her healing to 100% health when her health is low than 20% and she has 100% chance to evade all basic attacks and doubles the fire armor for 30 seconds and grants her a ability of Hydro flames which will multiply 10 times with the incinerate damage and will convert all buffs into debuffs.