Hit Monkey Guardian Sasquatch Air-Walker Dragon Man Professor X
Apocalypse will be in the next one
I’m very bummed Apocalypse won’t be in it, but I’ll still be going for it, I want all the featured except for Air-Walker. Hopefully Omega Red or Magneto will be in it too.
Hit Monkey
Dragon Man
Professor X
Apocalypse will be in the next one
please use the search feature when making a new discussion to avoid clutter so that-
nah I'm kidding lol. people in that thread said he'll be in the one after next
Them alone can cause a wipe haha
if that is the case, then that would give us even more time to save up even more shards for Apocalypse. for those FTP players.
in regards to next featured crystal, if the above list stand correct... then i think i will be opening more featured than dual crytals.