Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Why change reward system for uncollected?

Why can’t you just add something new and let it be new and leave the old **** the way it was? Now in order to get rewards worth a damn for uncollected I have to spend 2500 energy. Just leave well enough alone donkeys!


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    Yeah, for quite awhile the vast majority of my 6* shards came from completing Uncollected monthly EQ but I wasn't able to explore.

    My guess is Kabam is just tired of this game and they will continue to make it as tough as possible in order to drive everyone but the whales away...
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    GoldaGolda Posts: 12
    They nerfed uncollected rewards.
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    They’ve made it so that newer uncollected players can actually get reasonable rewards from exploring individual chapters of the quest rather than forcing them to take on a boss that’s likely beyond them. Sure it’s now a bit less satisfying but I think it should have a positive impact on newer player’s experience of MEQ.
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