What tier is Black Widow (Deadly Origin) based on your personal opinion?

NavieenNavieen Member Posts: 137 ★★
Personally I think she is at least a Solid God tier with beyond god tier potential. Shocks doing amazing damage and if the champion is shocked while using an sp2, for every hit (5hits in sp2) there is instant shock damage. Even the sp1 has a wasp like evade that deals shock damage aswell. Although Seatin has her at God tier, I think she is a little underated and deserves one of the top 2 spots.

What tier is Black Widow (Deadly Origin) based on your personal opinion? 85 votes

Beyond God Tier
Luke2323Varad18 2 votes
Solid God Tier
TheHeroDeservedWasiq_75PrylankRamadaAmztrak1_StevieManWonderMidnite93ddomslackerBawa69MasterpuffTheInfintySneakyWarriorN7DonkeyPhantomfire50Rouger4TrashPanda12NavieenSazedbigreg99 20 votes
God Tier
Mr_PlatypusDisbanded_pensSungjAinyKennadoScopeotoe987Colonaut123Fajita_DinnerIron_Patriot_is_litBonzodavidILLUSION8PlinkoAziz5253SlayerzzAceOfDiamondAgent_22ReptoidanaLysis_CowabungaSneakyko 23 votes
High Demi-God Tier
Gigantor13F4k3_GaM3rTerraErmanHarith0802MadooriCLegendboy2411o4tgRockypantherxPImpDaddyMother_FlerkenAmbjonyChriissRThicco_ModeGOTGJohnyBoyJinøraFaseehmanan_44KAYDASaltE_Wenis69 26 votes
Low Demi-God Tier
StingerbkMaxGamingMeebletonTripleBCaptain_HCloudwalkerlaxtheValentinos13 8 votes
Useful Tier
Adil08 1 vote
Occasionally Useful Tier
Qfury 1 vote
Trash/Meme Tier
SuperiorSymbioteunoobmeproAztecThebombsquad1 4 votes


  • edited September 2020
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  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Solid God Tier
    My opinion is only based off of my 2 and 3*, although she is my most sought after champ. I really want her as a 6* because she would be a really fun r3, and I’m not really keen to r3 stealth because I don’t find myself ever using him.
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  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Solid God Tier
    zeezee57 said:

    I want her more than any new champ released this year. Love everything about her design. Only have a 3* since me and RNG don't get along but I use her for anything and everything I can. Hard to judge placement based on the rarity I have but she's up there in the second tier of skill champs imo behind the likes of Fury and Aegon.

    I love her design. She is heavy intercept too, which I really like. And she bring great synergies to the table with my favorite skill, Ronin.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Solid God Tier
    I’ve seen some stupid damage output from her even as a 3 star on Twitter as soon as she’s in the basic I’m gonna gun for her
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,619 ★★★★★
    God Tier
    Love playing her, one of my favs. She would give her id she had some sort of immunity or could shrug of debuffs. But her SP2 is crazy good and ends fights against anyone not immune to shock. She destroys paths for me in AW and in quests. Also, she is THE counter for Safeguard.
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Solid God Tier
    She is a really solid damage dealer. Utility wise, she doesn’t have much going for her. Her Window’s Insight should offer 100% reduced ability accuracy at its base or her sig should be reworked to give her x% more aar because 70% just isn’t enough to justify using her over someone who can do much higher ability accuracy reduction all the time. Her main use in game is her shocks and her massive sp2, but her designer use is AAR and she doesn’t do that good enough to rank up for. However, I have my unduped BWDO at r5 and I use her whenever possible because she is one of, if not the, funnest champs to play.
  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Low Demi-God Tier
    She definitely is good but not top
  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    High Demi-God Tier
    She is actually very good with good damage output. Everyone saying meme tier obviously doesn't have her or learned how to use her.

    Shock damage is very good.
  • JinøraJinøra Member Posts: 94
    High Demi-God Tier
    She is undeniably fun to play
  • AinyAiny Member Posts: 277 ★★★
    God Tier
    I recently pulled her on my 2nd account from the featured crystal and her damage output is actually kinda insane and she is not even fully leveled up to r1
  • Disbanded_pensDisbanded_pens Member Posts: 182
    God Tier
    She's great. Sp1, wait to be hit then punish them. Useful damage in sp2 and sp3. Decent on defence. Do not fight Havok with her though!
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    God Tier
    I do not know enough about her to really make a definitive tier rating, but she looks to be a shock Gwenpool.
  • JinøraJinøra Member Posts: 94
    edited September 2020
    High Demi-God Tier
    I just got her this past weekend as a 5 Star and took her to rank 3
    Her damage numbers are pretty underwhelming however the shocks proc so often to the point where I sometimes have 8 on the opponent at once so they really add up to a lot of damage over time.
    Her Sabotage debuff is also pretty underwhelming as it really ticks for no damage while providing minimal benefits imo, that being said her Widow's Insight ability is a really nice ability because you don't even need to try to stack this as it just kinda happens through normal gameplay.
    I'd say shes super fun to play I love a 7 hit combo character, her animations are super fluid almost on par with Medusa, if you're interested in other ways of doing damage rather than hitting super high yellow numbers shes definitely worth the rank up
    I'll be taking her to rank 4 pretty soon
  • NavieenNavieen Member Posts: 137 ★★
    Solid God Tier

    Whats this stupid thing called solid god tier? And whats high demi and low demi? You have 5 levels of god and, 2 levels on human, and one level of the worst creations. Isn't that too escalated?

    I’ve put it into tiers like seatin has done
  • NavieenNavieen Member Posts: 137 ★★
    Solid God Tier
    Jinøra said:

    I just got her this past weekend as a 5 Star and took her to rank 3
    Her damage numbers are pretty underwhelming however the shocks proc so often to the point where I sometimes have 8 on the opponent at once so they really add up to a lot of damage over time.
    Her Sabotage debuff is also pretty underwhelming as it really ticks for no damage while providing minimal benefits imo, that being said her Widow's Insight ability is a really nice ability because you don't even need to try to stack this as it just kinda happens through normal gameplay.
    I'd say shes super fun to play I love a 7 hit combo character, her animations are super fluid almost on par with Medusa, if you're interested in other ways of doing damage rather than hitting super high yellow numbers shes definitely worth the rank up
    I'll be taking her to rank 4 pretty soon

    I played my 5* I got once recently and took her to rank 4 :smiley:
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