Punisher99 "Tune-Up" in October & Dev Diary Champ Complexity???

The Strike Team fixing 1-2 champs a month is ambitious. Any updates on Punisher99 "Tune-Up" scheduled in October? Haven't seen CCP mention a Beta. It may be a factor in Tech RUps,..at least it does for me. Lol

Side note: Thought new champs were gonna be less complex, not require a MCOC PHD to play. Lol AirWalker, ProfX & Apocolypse take time figuring out how to use effectively on attack or defense (node/D.Tactic combos). Hmm
The Dev Diaries were a great Road Map, but seems like Kabam is not following their own. Cavalier requiring specific counters & reward/effort ratio being far off. Variant 5 "gating" many allies rosters. (Still think V5 is gr8) to name a few.

Side note: Thought new champs were gonna be less complex, not require a MCOC PHD to play. Lol AirWalker, ProfX & Apocolypse take time figuring out how to use effectively on attack or defense (node/D.Tactic combos). Hmm
The Dev Diaries were a great Road Map, but seems like Kabam is not following their own. Cavalier requiring specific counters & reward/effort ratio being far off. Variant 5 "gating" many allies rosters. (Still think V5 is gr8) to name a few.

Updates and Tune-Ups aren't likely to get a beta at all.
This is a version of Punisher 2099 I put in the Champion Improvement Thread, which would probably count as a Tune Up, with basically tweaks to the same set of abilities: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/806888/#Comment_806888
Take a look - any thoughts?
But that's just my opinion.
I liked your Electro rework though.
And cavalier EQ wasn’t restricting at all, it has benefits for using a certain class (some more useful than others) but it’s not “you can’t get past this unless you’ve got 1 of 6 possible counters, good luck” that’s restricting, having a node that gives you a damage increase because you put bleeds on the opponent isn’t.
Yeah, this P2099 is pretty similar to the original; but I think that's how Tune-Ups are going to work.
You're right, it's a trade-off; and he's got the same issues I noticed with Bishop when trying him out the other day: you have to do well-timed blocks to build Prowess, but then it gets drained if you keep blocking. Which does make it a lot harder to build up to that extra damage.
I might try and work around those issues and rewrite it in the next few days...
@Mr_Platypus agree, w/time we learn their uses. DDiary says they're making less complex & simplifying new champs, node/ability combos bc too many interactions. So far, 2 haven't been simple after 1st look.
Will give it time, not hating, just noticing could be veering of their own road maps.
Disagree, cavalier eq "buffed up & diss track" limit many allies who got cavalier title, but still dont have diverse enough rosters with gr8 counters for those node/champ combos to 100%. If u do, then Cav Eq should be fairly simple. That's what i meant.
No literally apocalypse literally blast you with cannons and prof x keeps shooting lasers at you