Punisher99 "Tune-Up" in October & Dev Diary Champ Complexity???

KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
edited September 2020 in General Discussion
The Strike Team fixing 1-2 champs a month is ambitious. Any updates on Punisher99 "Tune-Up" scheduled in October? Haven't seen CCP mention a Beta. It may be a factor in Tech RUps,..at least it does for me. Lol

Side note: Thought new champs were gonna be less complex, not require a MCOC PHD to play. Lol AirWalker, ProfX & Apocolypse take time figuring out how to use effectively on attack or defense (node/D.Tactic combos). Hmm

The Dev Diaries were a great Road Map, but seems like Kabam is not following their own. Cavalier requiring specific counters & reward/effort ratio being far off. Variant 5 "gating" many allies rosters. (Still think V5 is gr8) to name a few.



  • KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
    @TP33 agree, like their designs too. Not talking about that, more so the "complexity" or as u say "careful & well thought out" to figure out how to use for many allies. I get it, but several in our alliance are confused so guessing others are too. :smile: Btw, Quake is easy to understand, yet takes skill to master. :smirk:
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    I think they aren't planning to run lots of Beta's. Even the Magnetos didn't get a beta.

    Updates and Tune-Ups aren't likely to get a beta at all.

    This is a version of Punisher 2099 I put in the Champion Improvement Thread, which would probably count as a Tune Up, with basically tweaks to the same set of abilities: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/806888/#Comment_806888

    Take a look - any thoughts?
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    As for the other comments, many champs seem complex when first released, given time people realise that they’re actually fairly simple.

    And cavalier EQ wasn’t restricting at all, it has benefits for using a certain class (some more useful than others) but it’s not “you can’t get past this unless you’ve got 1 of 6 possible counters, good luck” that’s restricting, having a node that gives you a damage increase because you put bleeds on the opponent isn’t.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★

    I think they aren't planning to run lots of Beta's. Even the Magnetos didn't get a beta.

    Updates and Tune-Ups aren't likely to get a beta at all.

    This is a version of Punisher 2099 I put in the Champion Improvement Thread, which would probably count as a Tune Up, with basically tweaks to the same set of abilities: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/806888/#Comment_806888

    Take a look - any thoughts?

    I think its a bit too similar to the original P2099 as in how people hated you have to choose utility or decent damage. Maybe allow him to gain utility as he gains battery similar to prof X and without the penalty. And maybe increase the rate of gaining charges against a non-energy attack matchup, you still need a ramp up of around a minute to get into overdrive mode or atleast reduce the amount of batter needed for some utility.

    But that's just my opinion.

    I liked your Electro rework though.
    Thanks, man.

    Yeah, this P2099 is pretty similar to the original; but I think that's how Tune-Ups are going to work.

    You're right, it's a trade-off; and he's got the same issues I noticed with Bishop when trying him out the other day: you have to do well-timed blocks to build Prowess, but then it gets drained if you keep blocking. Which does make it a lot harder to build up to that extra damage.

    I might try and work around those issues and rewrite it in the next few days...
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Prof X just requires a champion that regularly power drains, which a lot of champions have. Just use Vision or Magik.
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    Well, it's just early September. Too early to talk about a tune-up that will happen in October
  • KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
    edited September 2020

    I think they aren't planning to run lots of Beta's. Even the Magnetos didn't get a beta.

    Updates and Tune-Ups aren't likely to get a beta at all.

    This is a version of Punisher 2099 I put in the Champion Improvement Thread, which would probably count as a Tune Up, with basically tweaks to the same set of abilities: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/806888/#Comment_806888

    Take a look - any thoughts?

    Both Magnetos got a CCP beta, many videos on it. Tuned him down a lil, but still great buffs. Nice re-works from u. Like others have mentioned a "tune-up" in DDiaries says simply a change in #/%s, not abilities. Pun99 has decent potential depending on that.
  • KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
    edited September 2020

    Prof X just requires a champion that regularly power drains, which a lot of champions have. Just use Vision or Magik.

    Not talking about fighting Prof X, mainly as attacker.

    @Mr_Platypus agree, w/time we learn their uses. DDiary says they're making less complex & simplifying new champs, node/ability combos bc too many interactions. So far, 2 haven't been simple after 1st look.
    Will give it time, not hating, just noticing could be veering of their own road maps.
    Disagree, cavalier eq "buffed up & diss track" limit many allies who got cavalier title, but still dont have diverse enough rosters with gr8 counters for those node/champ combos to 100%. If u do, then Cav Eq should be fairly simple. That's what i meant.
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 897 ★★★
    I agree with the OP that the promises seem off from the reality, but I’m kind of glad that the Cavalier rewards suck a little bit. I won’t regret not investing in this difficulty. Complete a chapter or two if you are bored, and that’s about it.
  • No_Ægon_clubNo_Ægon_club Member Posts: 150 ★★
    New champs go brrrr

    No literally apocalypse literally blast you with cannons and prof x keeps shooting lasers at you
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020

    I think they aren't planning to run lots of Beta's. Even the Magnetos didn't get a beta.

    Updates and Tune-Ups aren't likely to get a beta at all.

    This is a version of Punisher 2099 I put in the Champion Improvement Thread, which would probably count as a Tune Up, with basically tweaks to the same set of abilities: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/806888/#Comment_806888

    Take a look - any thoughts?

    I think its a bit too similar to the original P2099 as in how people hated you have to choose utility or decent damage. Maybe allow him to gain utility as he gains battery similar to prof X and without the penalty. And maybe increase the rate of gaining charges against a non-energy attack matchup, you still need a ramp up of around a minute to get into overdrive mode or atleast reduce the amount of batter needed for some utility.

    But that's just my opinion.

    I liked your Electro rework though.
    You realise that all P2099 is getting is essentially some number changes right? I don’t think they are adding any extra abilities, it’ll just be stuff like more damage in overdrive mode, less battery use per ability, abilities last longer etc
    My bad.
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    To be fair, Prof X, Apocalypse, and Airwalker were more than likely created before the dev diaries came out. I may be wrong, but the champions for the year are worked on somewhat concurrently, so they were probably already done or halfway done with them when the dev diaries came out, so they weren’t just gonna scrap them and start again.
  • unoobmeprounoobmepro Member Posts: 899 ★★★
    Punisher required an update and gambit and falcon they require a overhaul seriously
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Prof X just requires a champion that regularly power drains, which a lot of champions have. Just use Vision or Magik.

    Not talking about fighting Prof X, mainly as attacker.

    @Mr_Platypus agree, w/time we learn their uses. DDiary says they're making less complex & simplifying new champs, node/ability combos bc too many interactions. So far, 2 haven't been simple after 1st look.
    Will give it time, not hating, just noticing could be veering of their own road maps.
    Disagree, cavalier eq "buffed up & diss track" limit many allies who got cavalier title, but still dont have diverse enough rosters with gr8 counters for those node/champ combos to 100%. If u do, then Cav Eq should be fairly simple. That's what i meant.
    Then they should expand their roster through rank ups. At the very least they’ll have a 4* that can handle it and both nodes are very common. Now before someone says “shouldn’t have to use a 4* for exploration” you’re right, but also if your roster is that shallow hen exploration wasn’t aimed at you.
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