Max 6* duds

I know this has been discussed in the past but maybe today’s the day kabam listens.
Max 6* Dups are more and more common now and anyone unlucky enough to experience a month worth of shards lost for 24 iso can hopefully chime in and help fix this sooner rather than later.
Max 6* Dups are more and more common now and anyone unlucky enough to experience a month worth of shards lost for 24 iso can hopefully chime in and help fix this sooner rather than later.
Do we play the same game?
Waiting till more people catch up and suffer or be proactive and squash an issue before it becomes game wide.
Why on earth would anyone playing resist max sig crystals for 6*s until they catch up. Seems short sighted.
Note: I have some 6* that are awaken but none are close to max sig200.. so it is not just for whales per se.. once we reach that level where we have one max sig200 6* and pull him/her, you'd have same sentiment as OP.. but i do agree that Kabam need to focus on:
the game stability, cellphone overheating, game connection issues, and reducing the number of bugs that allow champions to become op or not function as intended.
We can be critical of Kabam or we as a community can help the game developers find bugs and inform them so they can address them in a timely manner.
Anyways, thank you Kabam for a wonderful side quest.. more quest like Mutant Treasure Island... where we can decide which reward we want and not let rng be our fate. KUDOS!!!
Rng system is hit and miss and sometimes if you are not pulling good champions.. just stop and try another day.
Sorry, I flood your post with my semi-rant.. but there are so many selfish people in the world.. this is a game.. if you can fake being nice. Do it. Don't bring your real self here..
It wasn't my intention to hurt your feelings honey
If you don't spend money on sig stones it's impossible to get a champ to sig 200 honey
Here we are talking about 6* champs honey
Now go and make a new thread about how Apocalypse is the worst character and let the big guys talk
Your profile:
Go do your 'research' first, honey
this thread:🍯
But you didn't have to insult me about my Apocalypse threads. Keep this thread on topic.
What should happen is duped 6* give you some of those fat T6 ISO bricks though