Suicides for Act 5 Completion/Exploration?

I became Uncollected a few weeks ago and I'm currently working on exploring 5.1 fully. I've been seeing a lot about suicides lately and I'm wondering if they're worth investing in for Act 5 full completion and exploration (and if so, any setup recommendations would be awesome!). I go back on forth on whether I should push for cavalier first or fully explore act 5 first.
I tried searching for a similar topic and I've came up empty handed other than their effectiveness can depend heavily on your roster and the content. Including my current roster for reference. Any advice / input is appreciated.

I tried searching for a similar topic and I've came up empty handed other than their effectiveness can depend heavily on your roster and the content. Including my current roster for reference. Any advice / input is appreciated.

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
BTW- Is this a cleverly disguised brag post?? Because I still can't believe it
I’d go for cav first. You have a roster that can deal with it. After you are cav the better stuff/rewards/crystals will help you a lot.
Suicides. I just turned mine on and are happy with it. In some insanely long fights where you want to use many specials is of course not recommended but apart from that it’s awesome. Most fights are over very fast. And a lot of your champs are suicide friendly.
You have the units to afford it. But I would recommend a few points in Willpower to level out some damage.
I explored 100% of everything I could before going for Uncollected and I've been focusing on Montly EQs and Side Quests a lot for the rewards. Every time I saw someone's profile who was Cavalier their prestige was at least twice mine so I thought I should strengthen my roster. Thanks for the advice to go for Cavalier. I'm hope to finish complete Act 5 soon and go for 6.1 after