Who's my team for collector?

Just beat 5.2.5 and am planning to go for the collector as soon as possible. However, I have absolutely no idea who to bring. Also, an estimate on how many units I'll need would be nice (I have 1.5k currently, which I'm hoping is more than enough), and any tips on the fight would be very welcome, although I plan on reading about it first anyway.

I also have 4* Massacre, Night Thrasher and Heimdall if their synergies will be any use, but all are rank 1 so will be no use for actually fighting and I don't have the resources to bring them up right now.

I also have 4* Massacre, Night Thrasher and Heimdall if their synergies will be any use, but all are rank 1 so will be no use for actually fighting and I don't have the resources to bring them up right now.
U can take darkhawk, HT, domino, VTD and blade or guilly or hype