Anyone else still pulled nothing but trash from dual crystals?

Just to set parameters from the start, I know what RNG is and how it works. This is a thread for those of us (hopefully not just me) who have not had a good pull from dual crystals since they launched. To show some solidarity, or something. I’m sure there are a great many people who have not pulled the champ they wanted, but that’s not this thread. Wanted Torch but only got Void? I’m devastated for you, but that doesn’t fit here.
So, I’ve opened 22 skill/mutant crystals. Looking for Aegon, but would have been happy with around 10-12 champs. I don’t have Archangel or Namor, and dupes or sig levels on Sunspot, Colossus, Emma etc would be great. But even that has been wishful thinking, because taking Seatin’s tiers as a guide, I’ve had nothing from the top two, and only two Gwenpools from the third (and for an endgame player, she’s not usable with what I have already). Everything else has been below that. My most recent three were two Winter Soldiers and a Daredevil Netflix. Other highlights have included two Karnaks, two Thor Ragnaroks, two Hawkeyes and two Falcons.
Some come on, let’s hear about your rubbish luck. We’re all here for each other. Share the pain.
So, I’ve opened 22 skill/mutant crystals. Looking for Aegon, but would have been happy with around 10-12 champs. I don’t have Archangel or Namor, and dupes or sig levels on Sunspot, Colossus, Emma etc would be great. But even that has been wishful thinking, because taking Seatin’s tiers as a guide, I’ve had nothing from the top two, and only two Gwenpools from the third (and for an endgame player, she’s not usable with what I have already). Everything else has been below that. My most recent three were two Winter Soldiers and a Daredevil Netflix. Other highlights have included two Karnaks, two Thor Ragnaroks, two Hawkeyes and two Falcons.
Some come on, let’s hear about your rubbish luck. We’re all here for each other. Share the pain.

Looking for 5 champions. Aegon, Fury, Namor, Colossus, Sunspot.
Still 0/5, got nothing yet.
Got nothing from dual
My last 4 basic pulls have been sick
All bad pulls.
Its a scam.
Go for basic instead.
Continuing my first post, I’m now on 24 skill/mutant crystals. Seriously Kabam, what did I do to you? I’m sorry, alright. I’m sure we can work this out. Just talk to me.
4th skill/mutant, I got Aegon. Used skill AG on him, R4'ed. Dumped some 60 sig into him.
4 days later, S/M crystal, I dupe him.
Yesterday, I R5'ed him and and got him to sig 80. And today, completed Labyrinth. Popped 2 more S/M crystals, and duped him again. So that's 3 Aegon pulls in about a week and half.
I am sorry for stealing those pulls from everyone else
Sorcerer Supreme (first time pull)
BWCV (dupe)
Thor Jane Foster (Dupe)
Ghost (Dupe)
Sentinel (first time pull)
Ultron (first time pull)
Volture (first time pull)
Longshot (first time pull)
Dormammu (first time pull)
Thing (first time pull)
Not to shabby for me, lol.
Ps: Yes, i’m aiming for Doom