•Super secret way to know whos the boss youre getting before defeating the boss
•Now admit it dont you hate doing a path then going for the boss just to see its weapon x or encountering magneto with ur full #metal team? Lol
•What if i told you that you can bypass this to complete it in such a way that when uve completed ur desired path you'll be fighting the boss that you wanna fight?
•Yes? Alrighty then lets get started
•The answer is quite simple in fact it would just be right in front of you!
•Yes step 1 take the straightforward path no keys needed no nothing until u get to the boss
•Step 2 upon reaching the super mysterious question mark whose power is to shapeshift into any mutant,start the fight
•Step 3 now that you've seen who your boss is when in battle quit the fight and exit the quest
•Step 4 that boss uve just saw just now will now be the permanent boss that youll have to beat before it is defeated then would rotate onto the next boss
•Step 5 congratulations! uve found out who it is! U now can unlock a key required path to test this out and voila it wouldve been the same exact boss uve seen on that keyless path before
•Hmm one problem tho what if its a super glancy storm px that no one likes fighting?
or perhaps it would be weapon x which wouldve been way worse cuz that boss would be and stay permanent until it is beaten so no matter how many failed quit and return attempts to re-fight the boss for the rewards u want it would still stay the same
•There is a way to change this changing who ull be getting in the process take the keyless straight path to defeat your most dreaded arch nemesis without unlocking the other locked key paths
•Now when the boss is k.o ed it would now rotate to the other bossess keep repeating steps 1 to 5 then defeating that one annoying boss to rotate to the next until uve found your perfect match like for example a plain ol wolverine
•You can now take the locked key paths with ur team full of counters race to the boss knowing full well who it is and there you go
•Im sure im making it way more complicated then it actually seems so why not let me present this to you visually...
•Super secret way to know whos the boss youre getting before defeating the boss
•Now admit it dont you hate doing a path then going for the boss just to see its weapon x or encountering magneto with ur full #metal team? Lol
•What if i told you that you can bypass this to complete it in such a way that when uve completed ur desired path you'll be fighting the boss that you wanna fight?
•Yes? Alrighty then lets get started
•The answer is quite simple in fact it would just be right in front of you!
•Yes step 1 take the straightforward path no keys needed no nothing until u get to the boss
•Step 2 upon reaching the super mysterious question mark whose power is to shapeshift into any mutant,start the fight
•Step 3 now that you've seen who your boss is when in battle quit the fight and exit the quest
•Step 4 that boss uve just saw just now will now be the permanent boss that youll have to beat before it is defeated then would rotate onto the next boss
•Step 5 congratulations! uve found out who it is! U now can unlock a key required path to test this out and voila it wouldve been the same exact boss uve seen on that keyless path before
•Hmm one problem tho what if its a super glancy storm px that no one likes fighting?
or perhaps it would be weapon x which wouldve been way worse cuz that boss would be and stay permanent until it is beaten so no matter how many failed quit and return attempts to re-fight the boss for the rewards u want it would still stay the same
•There is a way to change this changing who ull be getting in the process take the keyless straight path to defeat your most dreaded arch nemesis without unlocking the other locked key paths
•Now when the boss is k.o ed it would now rotate to the other bossess keep repeating steps 1 to 5 then defeating that one annoying boss to rotate to the next until uve found your perfect match like for example a plain ol wolverine
•You can now take the locked key paths with ur team full of counters race to the boss knowing full well who it is and there you go

•Im sure im making it way more complicated then it actually seems so why not let me present this to you visually...
•Go forth and spread the word my children let the entire battlerealm know that ya boi Terro has got your back everybody must know this mcoc life hack
•Oh also dont forget to tell my idol Brian Grant to skip the dual crystals and open 5 basics and if he gets man thing open an extra basic if he gets ghost or ægon or both he streams half naked from the top down not from the bottom up silly no one wants to see that man thing he can wear a bra as well if hes sensitive about his nips
Actually an easier way to tell who the Boss is (as well as the middle Hidden nodes on each path, the Hidden's are always the same across all paths for any given island run) based on their PI number.
See further within thread below...