spider-man OG and spider gwen if u don’t have true strike champs or anti evade. max sig Og spidey evades so damn often. spidergwen evades are like our of the blue random too and if u get clipped by spidergwen and she crits it’s pretty much over
you can quake domino, begin the fight with heavy and it removes dominos aar, unless on a node that provents concussion ie debuff immune or force of will
you can quake domino, begin the fight with heavy and it removes dominos aar, unless on a node that provents concussion ie debuff immune or force of will
I usually bring Black WIdow with me if fighting against her but Domino's timing messes me up.
you can quake domino, begin the fight with heavy and it removes dominos aar, unless on a node that provents concussion ie debuff immune or force of will
I usually bring Black WIdow with me if fighting against her but Domino's timing messes me up.
Guardian has turned Domino from anxiety inducing to a laugh. He's a great counter.
you can quake domino, begin the fight with heavy and it removes dominos aar, unless on a node that provents concussion ie debuff immune or force of will
I usually bring Black WIdow with me if fighting against her but Domino's timing messes me up.
Guardian has turned Domino from anxiety inducing to a laugh. He's a great counter.
I have counters to everybody nowadays, except modok (especially stun immune). Domino is still a little bit problematic, and Terrax is an annoyance as well.
Everybody else is cheese when you have the kind of ranked up 5*s I have, even without a Quake.
If I’ve not got one of my preferred counters then mojo, maw, korg and doom.
The first two are just annoying, especially mojo and the last two just take ages playing around their mechanics, it’s just tedious.
Mojo in v5 cost me a lot of revives. Maw took a bunch of tries to get past but at least one shot that path. One good thing in that event though was I found out BWCV is really good vs korg.
2. Ironman IW of he has parry node i quit
Everybody else is cheese when you have the kind of ranked up 5*s I have, even without a Quake.
This man... is so damn stingy... with his specials. And I just cannot get the SP2 evade down at close range.
He usually ends up clipping me when I try to bait a special. Bane of my existence
Mojo if he has some immunity and I can't use Archangel
The first two are just annoying, especially mojo and the last two just take ages playing around their mechanics, it’s just tedious.
Mojo in v5 cost me a lot of revives. Maw took a bunch of tries to get past but at least one shot that path. One good thing in that event though was I found out BWCV is really good vs korg.