Omega Red (Duped + 125 Sig) worthy R5 without Suicides ??

I have 5 star Nick Fury, Human Torch and Hyperion maxed out. Not all my champs are Suicide friendly.
Will I unlock Suicides only for Omega?
Your feedback and experience is appreciated.
Will I unlock Suicides only for Omega?
Your feedback and experience is appreciated.
With suicides, he is the better option for most content. He was my second R5 and 1st max sig champion. Got a lot of use out of him and Corvus (my 1st R5) but now with a much more developed roster, suicides hinder too many of my champions so OR doesn't get used nearly as much but he was invaluable getting my account to where it is today.
If you think that his utility from suicides will help your account, then yeah, it's worth it. And the other champions you named can work around suicides decent enough, but you may lose some utility, esp from NF in his second phase.
With suicides on he’s by far the best option in most situations.
Without them would have been a complete waste of all rank up materials, 200 sig stones and AG.