Agent Venom Spotlight Missing?

TrapKill66TrapKill66 Member Posts: 97

So, as the title indicates, I cannot find the official Spotlight webpage for Agent Venom here on the Kabam website nor via a Google search.
I have him duped 4*. I think he's pretty cool. Gonna use him as a Truestrike champ.
I wanna read the Spotlight and see what the devs have to say about him. I'm aware of the fandom page (which is a good resource), but want the official Kabam page as I reckon it will be most up to date.
Maybe I'm just a bit useless, but really it's just typing stuff into search engines.
So, if anyone can provide a link, to the Kabam Agent Venom Spotlight webpage, or some info as to why it's not available, I'd be most appreciative.

Thanks y'all :)


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    It was posted on the old forums, which you can't access right now
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited September 2020
    At the very bottom of the champion spotlight section you’ll find a post with champion spotlights prior to the new forums.

    Agent Venom - Originally Posted 04-13-2016

    Eugene “Flash” Thompson, long-time fan of Spider-Man and friend of Peter Parker, thought his career was over when he lost his legs fighting in the Iraq War. Desperate for another opportunity to help others, Flash enrolled in Project Rebirth and soon found himself bound to the alien Symbiote Venom. Now possessing many of the same powers as his wall-crawling hero, Flash works for the U.S government as the deadly Agent Venom.

    Base Stats & Abilities
    *All stats based on 4 Star, Rank 5, Level 50

    Class: Skill

    Health: 15,052
    Attack: 1182
    Max PI:
    3453 - Without Signature Ability
    4175 - With Signature Level 99

    Passive - Symbiote Stealth
    The Venom Symbiote works with Flash’s training to reduce enemy Evasion chance by 50%.

    Special Attacks - Bleed
    67% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 225% of your Attack as direct damage over 3.5 seconds.
    Each Special Attack can only trigger one stack of Bleed, occurring on the final hit of the Attack.

    Special 1: Suppressive Fire
    This attack reduces enemy Evasion chance by 30%.
    This stacks with the effect from Symbiote Stealth and applies to all attacks during the animation.

    Special 2: Thermite Breach
    This attack Incinerates the enemy, dealing 92% of your Attack as Energy Damage over 8.5 seconds. This effect also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50% while it’s active.
    This effect has 100% trigger chance and can only be triggered once per Special Attack.

    Special 3: Shock & Awe
    Any Bleed effect has an additional 21% chance to trigger.

    Passive - Tenacity
    Flash’s intense military background, coupled with the alien symbiotic enhancement, grants him a 70% chance to shrug off any Debuff, including Stun.

    Signature Ability - Klyntar Rage
    At the beginning of the fight, and whenever Flash loses 50% of his Max Health, he temporarily loses control of the Venom symbiote, increasing Attack and Critical Damage by (8 - 32%). This effect is lost once he is struck 5 times.
    Agent Venom only counts as being struck if he is hit while he isn’t blocking.
    Klyntar Rage is a passive effect and cannot be Nullified, but does interact with Ability Accuracy and can be denied the effect by an awakened Black Widow.

    Synergy Bonuses
    Spider-Man - Idol: +4% Attack and Health
    Spider-Man: Symbiote - Family: +6% Health
    Venom - Family: +6% Health
    Red Hulk - Teammates: +5% Perfect Block Chance

    Recommended Masteries

    In order to keep the large damage output from Klyntar Rage, you’ll have to dodge and block just right to avoid incoming attacks. Picking up this mastery will help avoid those incoming attacks entirely and keep up Klyntar Rage longer.

    As Klyntar Rage boosts Critical Damage while it’s active, picking up this Mastery to boost Agent Venom’s Critical Hit Rate will make the most of this ability and increase his damage output even further while the effect is active.

    Strong Match Ups
    This is a list of who this champions performs strongly against.

    Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen - Agent Venom’s ability to ignore a large portion of Evasion allows him a much stronger chance to deal with these opponents.
    Captain America, Cap. America WW2, Daredevil - With his new Incinerate ability, Agent Venom can strip away these champions’ ability to block his attacks effectively, denying them much of their defensive capabilities.
    Rhino, Hulk-Buster, Iron-Man - With his strong Bleed and Incinerate effects, Agent Venom can bypass the Armor and Physical Resistance of these champions to take them down quickly.

    Poor Match Ups
    This is a list of who this champion performs poorly against.

    Colossus, Ultron, Vision - These Bleed Immune champions deny Agent Venom much of his damage, and don’t generally rely on Debuff effects that Flash can shrug off with his Tenacity effect.
  • TrapKill66TrapKill66 Member Posts: 97

    It was posted on the old forums, which you can't access right now

    Ok, thanks. Do you know:
    Why can't the be accessed atm?
    When will they be accessible?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★

    It was posted on the old forums, which you can't access right now

    Ok, thanks. Do you know:
    Why can't the be accessed atm?
    When will they be accessible?
    Well, the previous poster actually just linked it to you.
    I had no idea there was that kind of post there. Even did a seqrch on google to try to find something, prior to posting
  • TrapKill66TrapKill66 Member Posts: 97

    It was posted on the old forums, which you can't access right now

    Ok, thanks. Do you know:
    Why can't the be accessed atm?
    When will they be accessible?
    Well, the previous poster actually just linked it to you.
    I had no idea there was that kind of post there. Even did a seqrch on google to try to find something, prior to posting
    Yeah, so I'm at work atm. His link popped up just after I posted, but thanks for the replies, and the info, etc.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,772 Guardian
    Does appear to be on the same web address sequence as current forums. Maybe they pulled certain select threads from the old server over to the new one.

    It's a SINGLE, LONG THREAD, where they continually added new champs within the same thread, up thru beginning of May 2017.

    Interesting it was Post #12. Current ones have a number in the hundreds of thousands.
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