Why do 6 stars lose points in arenas when i have suicide masteries?

So last week i was trying out the suicides to see if i could or even wanted to run them permanently (i ended up deciding not to bc of a lack of suicide friendly champs) but i noticed something when I took them off today, my 6 stars were consistently getting 10k more points in the arena without them than with them, which doesnt make sense since score should be based off pi, can anyone explain

also please dont judge me for losing to km, i know i messed up, but i wanted the images to have the same team but didnt want to spend units to refresh them

also please dont judge me for losing to km, i know i messed up, but i wanted the images to have the same team but didnt want to spend units to refresh them
Also, could one have been easy and the other medium or hard?
You'll typically get more points when you have class advantage as well and you have an extra one in the second screenshot.
Something seems way off with only 24k for the Mr. Fantastic vs Silver Surfer matchup. The lower points there make no sense to me.
2. The screenshot was taken before the x3 bonus applied on 1st MrF fight.