Take Black Bolt and Hulk, which is the rage path(which is not rage, just enhanced fury), teleport over to the middle and take hood and Captain America path,and then teleport over and choose one of (Rhino, Dr.Strange) or (Magneto, X23) and then teleport to boss Rhino- Agressive, Heal prevention Dr.Strange- Physical and Enwrgy Resistance Magneto- Enhanced Bleed, Armor X23- Poison (So you need poison immune)
I'm stuck in act 5.4.2 and dont know which path to take any tips?
If you're doing 5.4.2 you can also look up Katy Candy's spreadsheet on act 5 Go to any of her Act 5 guide videos and click the link to the spreadsheet in the description There you'll find maps of all the act 5 quests along with node info
Additionally, look up mcoc guides for the specific quest you’re on and it’ll tell you the “easy” paths.
Rhino- Agressive, Heal prevention
Dr.Strange- Physical and Enwrgy Resistance
Magneto- Enhanced Bleed, Armor
X23- Poison (So you need poison immune)
Morningstar boss- Use bleed immune champ
Go to any of her Act 5 guide videos and click the link to the spreadsheet in the description
There you'll find maps of all the act 5 quests along with node info
Resilience or Rage is pretty easy, and then up towards Hood/Cap after the portal.