Finally Cavalier

I completed 6.1.1 two days ago and realized it wasn’t that hard so this morning I’ve decided to push for becoming cavalier. I was scared to do it but I’m more than happy I could achieve this goal. I spent 600 units in total but I think it was definitely worth it. My team was 6* Sunspot R1, 5* CMM R4, 5* Doom R4, 5* Cap IW R4, and 5* Magneto R3 (Mags was amazing vs. that Crossbones fight, saved me from using lots of units).
By the way, I’m looking for a chill and active alliance that can run Map 5, 4, and 3. I’m not experienced with Map 5 but I can try my best. Please add me ingame or in Line (stopntake) if you like! Thank you in advance.

By the way, I’m looking for a chill and active alliance that can run Map 5, 4, and 3. I’m not experienced with Map 5 but I can try my best. Please add me ingame or in Line (stopntake) if you like! Thank you in advance.

Also, I 'd like to emphasize again, AQ map 5 is really easy, you can bring in 5 star rank 3 champs and stroll through map 5
I was worried about my skills as I returned back to the game only 2 months ago (I wasn’t even uncollected when I returned) but I improved myself more than I thought. I also didn’t want to lose so many units because I’m saving for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, hehe. Sentinel ate my 280 units while the previous 5 bosses took 320 in total lol.
She does gains charges from the bleeds from biohazard failing to trigger on her due to the immunity she possesses in curse of blood. Because of the constant charge gain, she can consistently nullify the vigor regen.