Roster update. Anyone care to share their 6* Roster? I can’t be the only one....

I’m almost 100% certain that I’ve got the worst luck with 6* crystals. No way anyone else has it worse than I do. Lmao! 

Noice at least your not a kid who doesn't show your bad champs.
If you take out the good champs, it’s all garbage.
I have 63 6*'s.
36 are pretty useless or only good with synergies.
6 more are good but need their dupe.
The rest are fine. Your ratio of good to bad is way better than mine.
I also didn't count Falcon in any of those numbers except the 63. Don't know how he will turn out.
And here’s my roster. I used to be unlucky on 6* but it all changed after July. Got Doom, 2* Warlock and Omega Red. (Nick Fury came from a skill nexus crystal)