Venom hashtag and Variant 1 - way too hard for 2020

Well, hello there dear MCOC team! This morning it hit me - like a hit from a chair, from the Hulk... How come Venom is still a "#villian"? Since mid 90's Venom is more like an anti-hero. Yes, it depends from the host of the symbiote (for example Max Gorgon - clearly a villian and Deadpool - clearly an anti-hero) , but with the passing years Eddie Brock proved himslef to be a what we call - a "hero". Hell, Captain America even invited him to join the Avengers (check Venom #21). One more thing, Eddie Brock and respectively the Venom symbiote are one of the very few characters who knows who's behind the mask of Spider-man. Please, just do something and make Venom what he deserves to do - a Hero.
Now, let's talk about Variant 1 - in two words - too much effort for a what - 5 crystal? Rank 4 gem? Needs Nerf ASAP
Now, let's talk about Variant 1 - in two words - too much effort for a what - 5 crystal? Rank 4 gem? Needs Nerf ASAP
When compare it to other Variants, it's indeed the hardest one with nodes favourable a lot on Defenders/AI.
Don't need to do it.
I still haven't done just cuz the rewards plus the efforts are not matched.
I don't wanna rank up my champs just to 100% Variant 1 as that is wasteful.
P.S. Venom IS a villian in this game, but they should change it.
So venom is/was still a villian in a lot of comics since the 90s it just depends which comics you read
pick one
Is it really content that you should prioritise in 2020? No, probably not. The rewards, however, are still good rewards, sure they could be bit juicier but if you're in a position to consider exploring V1 then it's likely that you've explored V2-5 and a lot of Act 6. Most players that are exploring Act 6 will likely have ranked up at least one 5/6* just for one fight or lane, certainly if they've worked through a lot pre-nerf, this is no different really.
Also, the rate at which we get rank up resources for 5* now means that it's not such a commitment to R5 a champion - I'm sitting on 10 T5B currently and I know that there are a lot of players far more flush with resources than I am.
I was in a P2 alliance running Map 5 only and I was still getting enough resources on a monthly basis to take a champion from R1-5 every month. That's probably similar to a P4 alliance running Map6 and obviously considerably less than those in Map7/higher tier war alliances than I. It makes having to rank up X for one quest line less of an issue.
You're also missing the point about tags: These are attributed partly for descriptive purposes; but also for game balance. Being a Villain can be an advantage (on a Villainy node, for example) or a disadvantage (fighting Blade or Ghost Rider).
V1 is hard but for those of us that battled through it 100% on release the rewards at the time were worthwhile. Leave it alone and one day you can come back to it when have c.30 r5 champs