According to Hades



  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    edited October 2020
    So no sig stones generic / crystals this month?? Apart from that the event and the rewards look solid..
  • Samanyu_8Samanyu_8 Member Posts: 115
  • Samanyu_8Samanyu_8 Member Posts: 115
    Etjama said:

    So if I'm understanding this correctly, then the way the side quest works seems to be pretty much the exact same as the current one (rewards on the paths, you can exit out of the quest and go back in with no consequences, 3 fights on a path, then a boss fight), but with a preceding quest to get the keys for the paths rather than objectives. Plus there are Monster/Hunter crystals. You can get shards for em through a special arena and special objectives. And you can get all the rewards rather than just 35. I'm hyped!

    Please correct me if I'm wrong though. I never seem to understand these announcement the first read through. 😂

    Yup exactly the same!! Even though rewards match to a larger extent

  • Art357Art357 Member Posts: 91

    rivet said:

    For the reward, are you only be able to do 1 difficulty at your choice and get the corresponding reward, or can you do all difficulty levels and got all rewards?

    You'll need to be at least level 25 to enter the Limbo Quests, but other than that you're free to run multiple difficulties.. Epic is targeted for Uncollected players and Legendary is targeted toward Cavalier players though, so players who haven't reached those milestones may want to be aware of the increased difficulty there.

    #kabam Zibiit
    I'm cavalier so i can run through all the diffuculties right !!!
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    Lvernon15 said:

    HI_guys said:

    Kabam Boo said:


    Starts: 10/07/2020 @ 17:00 UTC (10AM PDT)
    Ends: 11/04/2020 @ 18:00 UTC (10AM PST)


    Got really confused at the dates
    What’s so confusing there? The times are an hour differ because the clocks change
    because the rest of the world uses Day/Month/Year, when writing dates numerically, not the American insanity of Month/Day/Year.
    I’ve got used to it now, why does America have to be weird 😂
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,636 ★★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    I’ve got used to it now, why does America have to be weird 😂

    IKR, like why do they give their weight in pounds not stones if they *must* use Imperial and not metric, why do they always use yards not feet for distances under a mile? Why do they use (presumably fluid) ounces for the size of drinks not pints? Why do they still use effing Fahrenheit not centigrade for temperatures?
  • bounty_hunter_7bounty_hunter_7 Member Posts: 11
    can someone please give me a step by step explanation because im confuzzled
  • Jenil1920Jenil1920 Member Posts: 1
    Nice game
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    Etjama said:

    Kabam Boo said:

    What bills does Mephisto pay to tell me what to do?

    ...The kind you owe in the afterlife... !
    Well I believe that when we die, no part of you lives on... not even the soul. 😶
    Matter cannot be created or destroyed so you'll be doing something whether you want to or not.
  • This content has been removed.
  • xneoxxneox Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2020
  • xneoxxneox Member Posts: 3
    Hey Kabam , thats wonderful rewards for the events this month. Could you also please update the ISO obtained from duping 6* and increase a little more in 5*'s as well.
  • mehramanish248mehramanish248 Member Posts: 26
    Treasure Island quest was more rewarding than this side quest.... 6500 (6* shard,, almost same)... more catalysts... Our choice to take usable items only from each difficulty... Difficulty was easier

    Let's see on release maybe it's better than island due to other objectives and arena...
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,171 ★★★★
    Good rewards, a little less than last month (Sept) and specially the lack of signature stones.
  • NotOofsterNotOofster Member Posts: 6
    This seems fun. :)
  • LordTenzenLordTenzen Member Posts: 136

    Wait the soul boost give a buff to the defender or to us it states that the if a immunity triggers the defender gains a effect based on the soul boost

    Looks like if your champs do not have the specific immunities, you can use a boost, which will grant them the immunity, but "At a Price" because its Hell. Fun twist! I have Colossus though. Ha!

    Yep, those Soul Boosts don’t seem to really benefit us, unless there is gonna be some wickedly strong Debuff damage that the defenders are gonna be able to inflict on us if we’re not immune.

    Note, if we try to bring naturally immune champs instead of using Boost, the Defenders are still gonna benefit from the specified Hades “at a price” bonus for them.

    So might try using champs that can either shed off a Debuff (either immediately aka CapIW, or much faster than normal aka Rogue/etc), or just takes no damage from it (aka Corvus and Bleed), instead of actually being immune to it.
    Well I redact my "fun twist" comment then. I thought the developers were giving us a potential pathway for those who didn't already have naturally immune champs. So I guess there's not much advantage if you do..
  • DarkSoulDLXDarkSoulDLX Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Maybe 30% total T5cc this month?
  • Xva23Xva23 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Seems like a fun event, I guess
  • Campo4Campo4 Member Posts: 141
    For the daily Limbo quests, I am curious:

    1) Can the same difficulty be completed more than 1x per day to get more than 1 skeleton key? (i.e. if we miss a day, can we run it twice on one day to get 2 keys?)

    Regarding soul boosts...topic of not using them so that we can spend souls to get entries into lower difficulties:

    2) It seems to me if you do Legendary and Epic limbo quest every day, you will not only get a legendary and epic key daily, but you will get more than enough souls to spend on entry into Master and Heroic levels all month. I am right to assume this?

    Sorry, just want to clarify the details!
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,787 Guardian
    @LordTenzen ,
    Re-reading info on Soul Boosts, now I’m not sure after all whether if bringing naturally immune champs would suffer the detrimental “at a cost” consequence laid out as if you had been actually using a Soul Boost.

    Might only be when using those Boosts that the consequence for making your champ immune would apply (or also if happen to use the Boost with a natural immune because you want to give immunity to others on team too).
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,195 ★★★★★
    I don’t see anywhere where it says the number of paths per quest. I understand there will be 5 quests total and I imagine rewards will be spread amongst the paths.

    However, how many legendary keys would we need to go through all paths and get all rewards? On the same note, how many keys could we get overall?
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,195 ★★★★★
    I posted too I see it says each quest will only be one path. So that’s 5 paths total and 5 keys needed for each difficulty

    We can get a key everyday though for like 30ish days? So we could do every difficulty 100%?
  • Iron_Patriot_is_litIron_Patriot_is_lit Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    So what exactly are in these monster-hunter crystals?
  • Spiderstriker14Spiderstriker14 Member Posts: 5
    Is It only me or there's gonna be a lot of anime references in this event
  • Well_Hello_ThereWell_Hello_There Member Posts: 1
    Do you need to be cavalier to do the legendary paths.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,979 ★★★★★
    Admire them....I must say I enjoy your personality, Boo.
  • Campo4Campo4 Member Posts: 141
    Kabam Boo said:

    Campo4 said:

    For the daily Limbo quests, I am curious:

    1) Can the same difficulty be completed more than 1x per day to get more than 1 skeleton key? (i.e. if we miss a day, can we run it twice on one day to get 2 keys?)

    Regarding soul boosts...topic of not using them so that we can spend souls to get entries into lower difficulties:

    2) It seems to me if you do Legendary and Epic limbo quest every day, you will not only get a legendary and epic key daily, but you will get more than enough souls to spend on entry into Master and Heroic levels all month. I am right to assume this?

    Sorry, just want to clarify the details!

    Hey Campo!

    1) You do not have such daily restrictions, per se. Note, however, that the paths do cost a certain amount of Energy to complete. You can only claim the Completion reward (Monsters & Hunters Crystal Shards) once every 24 hours, but otherwise, you may complete the paths as much as you want, restricted only by the amount of Energy you have to spare.

    2) You may use the accumulated Lost Souls as you wish, whether in exchange for Soul Boosts or Keys... or simply to admire them!

    Hope this answers your questions!
    Cool...that’s good to hear. Thanks for the answer!
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