On certain nodes max sig doom can do infinite heavy without any trouble Also when he nullify power gain of aarkus and Hyperion he gets power gain which is more fantastic
He's arguably the best mystic in the game which means that he's going to be a priority for whoever gets him, and he's going to be on the team in many if not most cases. There's a lot to be said for maximising the potential of your best champions even if it is just a nice to have like it is with Doom vs an essential like it is with Aegon. No point using him at 75% efficiency when you could quite easily have him at 100%
Also, Mystic is a weird class in that for most of the champions in there their awakened ability just makes them a little bit better rather than opening a whole new world as it does in the skill class for example.
Also when he nullify power gain of aarkus and Hyperion he gets power gain which is more fantastic
Also, Mystic is a weird class in that for most of the champions in there their awakened ability just makes them a little bit better rather than opening a whole new world as it does in the skill class for example.