How can I reset the boss for the Legendary run in Treasure Island?
Thing IS I can finish the run at Legendary Level when I get either Wolverine or Cable. Sometimes Magneto NOW, but if I get Emma or Iceman I get kilked very quickly. How do I get a different boss? I ve tried going to another level ... doesnt work. I am a 550k level. 5*s maybe 2 rank 4s and some R3s or full 4*s... obviously average player.
One thing you can at least do if it is a hard boss, stay straight on center direct to boss. At least you will have full health team to try and beat boss, and then hope for easier one next time so you can actually take a key-path and get a reward next time.
Say its weapon x, you can exit and re-enter with counters and kill him to reset the boss.
Unfortunately you do have to beat the boss to reset it though.
So you can tell who the fights will be in advance.
have you got Havok or CMM? Both ramp up rapidly with a bit of Coldsnap damage.
Shrug-off champs?
You can shrug off Coldsnap with various Skill champs. Or Rogue reduces the Damage by 70%
32k Iceman
33k Cable
34k weapon x
35k emma
36k Magneto HOX
38k red mags