4500 prestige Whale ready to quit over AI, block, parry, evade issues. Please fix! [Fix in Progress]

First a little about me as I'm not some new player who doesn't know how to play this game. My prestige is 4500 or so, my base hero rating is nearly 350,000. I've completed all endgame content except 100% LoL. My alliance does 66555 AQ pretty easily and I don't typically have any difficult except maybe on the degen nodes on map 6 if Scarlet witch heal blocks me.
Since 15.0 I am spending significant amounts of units on revives and heals just to get through AQ. I mean on day 3 I completely lost all of my characters. Today is the same, died with all of them. How can this be possible? Did I suddenly just forget how to play the game? I almost never use items in AQ and now I'm reviving like no tomorrow. I've had a really hard time figuring out what exactly the issues were and have come up with this:
I press to block and my block either doesn't work or is too late
People say there is nothing wrong with parry but I disagree. I would say my parry timing is spot on 90-95% of the time. Now I am getting parry off about 40% of the time. I know my timing isn't off. So then I tried to adjust my timing and still can't seem to find consistency.
Seems to be messy on a few different heroes but my issues with evade haven't been as significant as block or parry
Artificial Intelligence:
AI is definitely behaving differently. They parry, block and dexterity evade far more than before which is fine except that they are doing it when it shouldn't be possible. Furthermore, AI is intercepting me on a very regular basis which rarely happened pre 15.0. It isn't that the AI is sped up like some people are saying (it is sped up in end game content but that isn't the issue). The issue is it is behaving different in the sense that it backs off far more than before, it recovers from combos faster, has become an intercept master.
This is related to AI. I am good at intercepting. I worked very hard at learning how to do it and have practiced a lot. Now when I'm intercepting I am getting scared because about half the time when I intercept I end up getting hit instead of me hitting them. A few weeks ago this would rarely happen and when it did it was simply because I screwed up and knew I screwed up. Now I'm getting hit all the time to the point that I don't try intercept that much anymore and try rely on blocking or parrying.
The end of the day, I didn't suddenly forget how to play the game and my struggles aren't simply that I haven't adjusted to the changes (if there are changes, no one from KABAM has said there were AI changes in any patch notes)
Either way, these issues are making this game no fun for me anymore. I do spend money on this game, a lot of it actually. But I like to spend my money on special offers, crystals, changing masteries, etc and not on revives and heals on things I don't normally have to spend units on.
AW not withstanding, if block, parry, intercepting, evade, and AI aren't fixed then I will have to say goodbye to thins game and take my wallet elsewhere. It seems money is all KABAM cares about so this is the only reason I bring my wallet up.
Since 15.0 I am spending significant amounts of units on revives and heals just to get through AQ. I mean on day 3 I completely lost all of my characters. Today is the same, died with all of them. How can this be possible? Did I suddenly just forget how to play the game? I almost never use items in AQ and now I'm reviving like no tomorrow. I've had a really hard time figuring out what exactly the issues were and have come up with this:
I press to block and my block either doesn't work or is too late
People say there is nothing wrong with parry but I disagree. I would say my parry timing is spot on 90-95% of the time. Now I am getting parry off about 40% of the time. I know my timing isn't off. So then I tried to adjust my timing and still can't seem to find consistency.
Seems to be messy on a few different heroes but my issues with evade haven't been as significant as block or parry
Artificial Intelligence:
AI is definitely behaving differently. They parry, block and dexterity evade far more than before which is fine except that they are doing it when it shouldn't be possible. Furthermore, AI is intercepting me on a very regular basis which rarely happened pre 15.0. It isn't that the AI is sped up like some people are saying (it is sped up in end game content but that isn't the issue). The issue is it is behaving different in the sense that it backs off far more than before, it recovers from combos faster, has become an intercept master.
This is related to AI. I am good at intercepting. I worked very hard at learning how to do it and have practiced a lot. Now when I'm intercepting I am getting scared because about half the time when I intercept I end up getting hit instead of me hitting them. A few weeks ago this would rarely happen and when it did it was simply because I screwed up and knew I screwed up. Now I'm getting hit all the time to the point that I don't try intercept that much anymore and try rely on blocking or parrying.
The end of the day, I didn't suddenly forget how to play the game and my struggles aren't simply that I haven't adjusted to the changes (if there are changes, no one from KABAM has said there were AI changes in any patch notes)
Either way, these issues are making this game no fun for me anymore. I do spend money on this game, a lot of it actually. But I like to spend my money on special offers, crystals, changing masteries, etc and not on revives and heals on things I don't normally have to spend units on.
AW not withstanding, if block, parry, intercepting, evade, and AI aren't fixed then I will have to say goodbye to thins game and take my wallet elsewhere. It seems money is all KABAM cares about so this is the only reason I bring my wallet up.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
There is a gigantic thread on this for months now and all we have had is the usual "give us more information" stall tactics.
Not even a recognition that the issue exists.
I should have tried showing my credentials as a seasoned player too.
Anyway. I would like to say you explained it perfectly and its 100% legitimate description of this issues.
Do we really have to post our ratings and prestige to be heard? Or just simply to receive a decent response?
Either way we want answers! If this forum will not help address we as a community will start to speak our minds in other forms of social media to prevent new players from joining this game. I will help save them from the agony of wasted time, money and literal respect wasted!
430k pi and played since April 2015.
Normally pre 15.0, i will have 3 healthy champs for map 5 day 5 in section 3 and score more than 1 mil points regularly without any item. Post 15.0, i would loss one or two champ before section 3 even in day 2. Luckily they nerfed the difficulty in AW, so the resources saved/bought from glory store for AW can be shifted to AQ.
I normally take immunity path+poison, in which need intercept and baiting a lot. So the timing changes to the symbiod and other champs are obvious..... previously you would have a small window to counter after baiting sym heavy, now the window shorter, need to dash forward before they land (and yet some time they will block immediately even i know they haven't even landed..., or worse, use their special)
Today, i loss 2 champs half way to section 2......
Planning to quit. But i know Kabam won't care cause i din't spend.
Jeez, guys. Is it that difficult to mention any possible mechanics changes in the patch notes, when you guys suddenly wanna refine character animations? Surely it's not hard but you guys choose to ignore.
Finally some good news. With the way it is in AW, especially older champs need a good animation overhaul. Hopefully these updates will be effective, not a slight pass on a few champs only.
In the meantime, how about y'all back up those words and put a sale on those potions
You forgot the random heavy attacks, especially mid combo
Evade is my biggest pet hate at moment, next to blocking/parrying !!! I know how to evade and block ! Its just not working correctly! Fix it now!
Whale speaking: base hero rating of 470k, not spending either till fixed
I think he was saying he spends a lot in the game. I'm nearly 5k prestige and they seem to hate me on here lately lol