Well, he has a lot of science associated with him as well as tech. I think mystic less so, so probably a mutant, skill...or likely Tech...they're all tech now.
Well, he has a lot of science associated with him as well as tech. I think mystic less so, so probably a mutant, skill...or likely Tech...they're all tech now.
Doom is one of the top mystic villains of all time.
He could arguably be a science champ. If they followed the rationale used for Hulk (scientist exposed to radiation that develops new abilities) then he could be a science champ. This is all speculation though as I do not see Kabam adding the Fantastic Four.
He could arguably be a science champ. If they followed the rationale used for Hulk (scientist exposed to radiation that develops new abilities) then he could be a science champ. This is all speculation though as I do not see Kabam adding the Fantastic Four.
It would be nice to see him as either instead of tech or mystic. I'd lean towards science right now with the assumption that if they ever add Galactus and Silver Surfer that they would be cosmic. I know this is all speculation though.
Okay what... I get why Green Goblin should have been Science... but Dr. Doom? No.
He fights in a suit of mech armor with laser beams. He's obviously tech. He hasn't enhanced himself in any way with like a serum, or chemical, or radiation. Even the 2099 version was a cyborg.
Apparently they could get the rights back. So if they do, doom would probably be mystic. Or he could have the karnak thing where he'd need like 2 tech t4cc and 1 mystic t4cc or vise versa. Depending on how kabam wants to class em. (Mystic or tech.)
If you go online marvel is trying to acquire the rights back for both FF and XMEN Stan lee even said in a recent interview he's hoping to see them both in the MCU before he passes
he is a tech genius but surely cosmic as that's what game him his power right?
Nah he wears a super powered suit that gives him enhanced strength and durability but he's actually ranked the 4th strongest wizard in all of marvel! I only know this because someone argued my original comment so I had to look him up lol
If I was added in the game (which would mean Marvel got back the right of the FF) it would depend on how Kabam would want to put his abilities on.
If they wish to make him use his spells, or his tech, that would determine the class I think
The rights to FF are only for the MOVIE rights. Marvel maintains the rights to use them in any other venue. Since we have X-Men in the game (movie rights owned by the same company that own the rights to FF) I think it's safe to think FF could be included. But the bigger question is why would they? FF had been declining in popularity for a number of years, which eventually led to Marvel canceling the FF comics and dispersing the characters into different titles (The Thing with Guardians of the Galaxy, Human Torch being in Inhuman comics). I know the canceling of the comics was done in part to limit promoting characters they didn't have movie rights to, but that was not the only factor at play. Marvel seems to have no interest in promoting the FF characters at this time, so I wouldn't bet on them showing up anytime in the near future.
If they wish to make him use his spells, or his tech, that would determine the class I think
Doom is one of the top mystic villains of all time.
It would be nice to see him as either instead of tech or mystic. I'd lean towards science right now with the assumption that if they ever add Galactus and Silver Surfer that they would be cosmic. I know this is all speculation though.
fant4-star, his PI is 9.
On rotten tomatoes.
He fights in a suit of mech armor with laser beams. He's obviously tech. He hasn't enhanced himself in any way with like a serum, or chemical, or radiation. Even the 2099 version was a cyborg.
He'll be SKILL because he can punch people.
Nah he wears a super powered suit that gives him enhanced strength and durability but he's actually ranked the 4th strongest wizard in all of marvel! I only know this because someone argued my original comment so I had to look him up lol
The rights to FF are only for the MOVIE rights. Marvel maintains the rights to use them in any other venue. Since we have X-Men in the game (movie rights owned by the same company that own the rights to FF) I think it's safe to think FF could be included. But the bigger question is why would they? FF had been declining in popularity for a number of years, which eventually led to Marvel canceling the FF comics and dispersing the characters into different titles (The Thing with Guardians of the Galaxy, Human Torch being in Inhuman comics). I know the canceling of the comics was done in part to limit promoting characters they didn't have movie rights to, but that was not the only factor at play. Marvel seems to have no interest in promoting the FF characters at this time, so I wouldn't bet on them showing up anytime in the near future.