The arena reward change is out of touch with the player base

I was excited about the reward change when they announced it in July. The only changes they made is add a 5* in milestone and put an extra bracket in 1-5% reward and add 150 featured 5*. We are still have phc and same amount of 6* shard for rank reward. The last major change in arena is Feb 2018. That's more than 2.5 years ago. The game have changed a lot since then and this reward change is almost nothing. 5* is still relevant now but 6* is the trend going forward. This change is just out of touch with what players want.
A Player.
I really don't understand how people can still think these kinds of "suggestions" can happen without unintended side effects. The only way they are going to make new 5* featured champions easy to get, or predictable to get, is if 6* champs replace 5* champs as the new pursuit goal, and 7* champs replace 6* champs as the top goal. Something is always going to be as hard to get as 5* featured champs, and if it is not 5* featured champs it will be something else even more powerful and even more desirable.
Ask the players who first suggested that 5* shard rewards were "out of touch" then demanded that 5* champs become more available then freaked out when 6* champs arrived and reset their roster progress back to square one. If any of them are still around to ask.