Ghost vs Namor bug, phase vs reflect
In AQ, I decided to take Ghost vs Namor.
AQ mod is Kinetic Transference.
Namor has additional power gain so you get the benefit of using Ghost to phase.
I'm used to doing a 11k-13k crit right out of phase so the Modok screenshot proves that's how much damage I took.
What happened?
I phased, Namor came and missed his attack but he must've still been ending his attack animation when I landed my Medium. This made me take all the damage from my Medium rather than Namor.
The bug here is that Namor is reflecting damage when it should only be reflected when he lands an attack, not ending the animation of an attack.
I'm sure these results can be reproduced in a duel to test taking damage from Namor after IMMEDIATELY coming out of a phase before his attack animation ends
Used my suicide namor on ebony maw and ebony maw takes damage even when you miss.
But now I'm nitpicking because they should change the wording. This isn't based on contact made/miss in close proximity. It's simply "when attacking until the end of the attack". So if missing allows that, then In theory, I should be able to do a full combo across screen and reflect all damage since I'm "attacking" the opponent.
They changed the window so it lines up with his animations. Mediums have longer animations than lights so you have less of a window for lights to be reflected.
Needs to be changed to when in contact range and attacks are made/missed. If I throw a light attack to intercept a dashing medium then am I considered attacking if he came in from across the screen?
But I digress... it was just a thought/opinion not biased by any animosity towards him or matchups vs. him, just inner-geek musings. 😂
I agree, it would be a significant nerf, however, my suggestion wasn’t about whether I like it or not, I honestly don’t care either way since I don’t use Ghost against him (nice try painting me in that corner though). It was more about following the logic of the character attributes and abilities as a hybrid mutant/Atlantan. For example, BWCV can place debuffs even when whiffing a heavy attack, which makes perfect sense since she’s mystic and her abilities are magic based. Namor is mutant, and as such, abilities based on attack should be based on CONTACT, not INTENT TO CONTACT. Rogue can’t steal (or at least shouldn’t be able to if we adhere to her character attributes based on her mutant abilities) an opponents life essence based on her INTENT to contact, but only if she ACTUALLY makes contact.
But I digress... it was just a thought/opinion not biased by any animosity towards him or matchups vs. him, just inner-geek musings. 😂