Change to Red Magneto Signature Ability

Kabam this is awesome! So happy with this change! Can you tell us when it will be up and running in game??
Here’s the old description:

And here’s the newly update one

Here’s the old description:

And here’s the newly update one

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Seems like it’s just a description bug as it doesn’t add protection on sp3. My Mags is Sig 32 so would have been cap at just over 10k
edit: ok the wording change actually isn't as huge as I thought, so it's probably just text that got cut off or something
Yes I had tried tanking an sp3 before posting, hence asking when it would be up and running rather than saying how good it is.
Personally I agree with what a few have said - changing the description of his signature ability surely is intentional? @Kabam Miike can anyone shed some light?
- Damage is capped at X
- X critical resistance and... block penetration?
- [Magnet] this bonus is increased by +100%
- Heavy attacks deal a burst of X damage?