One of the Luckiest Days in my Mcoc Career

Yesterday really wanted to grind the new punishing october arena and finally reached 10 million points( which is my highest since I never grind arena lol). So I opened my collector crystals and managed to get 1 star colossus and juggernaut out of them. I was so happy to get some of my sold I stars back. Thank you Kabam!
Pity tho that 1* colossus didn't recieve the buff.
BUT, you don’t get to count that 10mil as your new personal Arena High Points 😀
Profile only tracks Highest PVP (Arena) Win Streak, not Points anyways. And a special arena that can give you 1.35mil points from a single match (1* champs base @ 150,000, x3 multiplier, x3 team) can’t compare points to a regular Arena.