Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


SlySlySlySly Posts: 352 ★★
We all know arena scores creep ever higher, but this June why not do something nice for your alliance mates who want Voodoo? So I say: Get in the pool! Playing basic arena up to ranked rewards ensures the total fond of players grows higher and the total scores go lower. But why stop there, why not go full milestones? Did you know that going for 1.5million in basic arena nets you:

14800 premium crystal shards
125 Units
23000 Gold
5 Arena boost crystals
13500 Battle chips

Just off milestone! Counts in rewards per win, rewards for your rank, and you got a pretty sizeable chunk you should not be missing out on. Not only that, there is also an alliance event Arena wins, together you earn even more rewards. And of top of that solo events!

I know I can not get Voodoo this time due to work, not enough time etc, but I'm playing this until full milestone. Who's with me?#GetInThePool


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    spumingtonspumington Posts: 350 ★★
    I'll hit the milestones. You're welcome.
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    SlySlySlySly Posts: 352 ★★
    That's the spirit! I realize I sounded a bit Billy Mays -y here.But wait, there's more!
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    SlySlySlySly Posts: 352 ★★
    Ok ,just kidding no there isn't.
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    spumingtonspumington Posts: 350 ★★
    I miss Billy Mays. :'(
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    A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Posts: 762 ★★
    eh. no thanks
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    Ragnarok13Ragnarok13 Posts: 57
    I always go in for the 4star shards at a minimum.
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    SlySlySlySly Posts: 352 ★★
    Me too, hopefully more ppl get the idea.
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    username92847username92847 Posts: 292
    #getinthepool Dorky Dave is right !!

    All u have to do is meet MIN MS rewards, to lower the bar for EVERYONE.

    Enough ppl doing this (& helping to keep the cutoff DOWN) will FORCE kabam to consider fixed MS for champs.
    (Wouldnt 5 Mil MS be nice ?!?.... KNOWING how much to grind for ??)

    Im sure Kabam wanted Mordo to go for more, then he did & Im sure they will be disappointed, if Dr V cutoff doesnt break 7mil....

    WHY wouldn't it, u ask?
    cause more ppl listened & helped the community band together & #getinthepool
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    wray1976wray1976 Posts: 459 ★★
    I do it every time. Min 600k.
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    Feeney234Feeney234 Posts: 1,195 ★★★★
    I've hit all milestones the past couple arenas, once I discovered I could finally hold a streak. I even nabbed Doctor Strange and duped him. Get in the pool guys.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,380 ★★★★★
    I'm in the pool. Water's warm. ;)
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    MagsMags Posts: 132
    Sorry about that.. I peed a little :D
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    Golden_GuardianGolden_Guardian Posts: 37
    Nah. Arena's boring
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