Not letting me replay open paths in Hades Invasion

relliKraDrelliKraD Member Posts: 43
edited October 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
I'm not able to replay the open paths in heroic difficulty only. I can only go the path that's wasn't locked by a key.

Update: After replaying the master difficulty a couple times (trying to cheese a solo event before bed) it has now stopped working also


  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    I reported this few days back.
    I got a video of it today as well.
    It seems to be: if you have fully explored the map (100%), and you do not have a key, it will not let you pass.
    You can run it again when you have the key, it will not consume the key. Or run another map that is not fully explored.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    DariusYi said:

    I reported this few days back.
    I got a video of it today as well.
    It seems to be: if you have fully explored the map (100%), and you do not have a key, it will not let you pass.
    You can run it again when you have the key, it will not consume the key. Or run another map that is not fully explored.

    Might be the best explanation found yet, thanks.
    Does that apply to both weeks, and all difficulties ? (anybody ?)
    (To restate your hypothesis, need to still have another key to replay a path after having done 100%, even though it won’t actually use the extra key)
  • relliKraDrelliKraD Member Posts: 43
    DariusYi said:

    I reported this few days back.
    I got a video of it today as well.
    It seems to be: if you have fully explored the map (100%), and you do not have a key, it will not let you pass.
    You can run it again when you have the key, it will not consume the key. Or run another map that is not fully explored.

    Well I went to take a picture of my keys to show
    you that I do have so it should be working only to find out that when I was replaying the open paths it WAS consuming my keys

    It took all my heroic and master level keys
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    When I re-ran unlocked paths when I did have another key in inventory (without having finished the other 5 paths yet) it did NOT consume another key for me. (RE, last reply above, at least on lowest level Heroic).


    other RE: not being able to re-run if you DON'T have any other keys... I just tested and confirmed that this is reason why. ONLY if I had a 100% that Hades Invasion quest (including the non-key’d straight-to-boss path straight upward), and if don’t have any other keys, it will NOT let you re-run any of the original “key’d” paths (it would let me re-run the straight-to-boss upward path though).

    But (still if no other keys), re-running if 5 key'd paths are already done, but not the straight-to-boss, it will let you do the formerly key'd ones even if you don’t have another key (but in that case, you are not sitting at 100% yet), no problem.

    But if I still do have a key (no matter if 100% or not), it would let me re-run any already-completed path, no problems.

    **So if you intend to re-run some paths later on (for some reason, since can’t get another set of reward for it), just leave that straight-to-boss segment un-done for now (it just gives a tiny bit of Gold for Explore anyways, so no big deal not getting that).
  • relliKraDrelliKraD Member Posts: 43
    Just putting this here for people to see proof
  • relliKraDrelliKraD Member Posts: 43

    **So if you intend to re-run some paths later on (for some reason, since can’t get another set of reward for it), just leave that straight-to-boss segment un-done for now (it just gives a tiny bit of Gold for Explore anyways, so no big deal not getting that).

    Replaying 0 energy quests is an easy way to hit solo events milestones
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    In my tests, I didn’t actually go check Inventory while I was still inside the quest (after moving past already-unlocked gate).
    But I exited at first fight node, and was able to constantly re-enter quest again and move again past that original gate (many times over and over).
    Maybe it temporarily wants to use a key, which is why ppl without any keys (aka, same thing with Act 5.3 re-running past former gates) can’t move at all past them at all.
    And also thus probably gives you your key back if you leave the quest you are re-running (like I did, without going thru end boss).

    *note, I didn't try completing the quest thru past the boss on the re-run, just moved to first nodes and exited and I did still have the key. Which if acts like 5.3, then maybe completing it has that further bug whereby the quest actually takes your key and doesn’t give it back unless you quit before boss.

    (also, good point on re-running in order to put up Hero Use or Combat points for 0 energy).
  • relliKraDrelliKraD Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2020
    I was running through it and completing it just fine for a few runs when it suddenly stopped working. That's when I noticed it used up all my keys. So for me it's just straight up using keys when it shouldn't.
    But I think your right about it doing that to me after hitting the 100% exploration because I was doing it a few days ago with no problems. Either that or it started after the second quest became unlocked.
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