Why are 22hr solo events not consistent across accounts now?

Hop on the baby account and see a level up event. Finish it off. Go to the main account do a bunchborlf rank ups. Don't see any red indicators. Go in and see I've got event completion instead. Why are they now not synced? I noticed it briefly before and figured it was just a one time glitch. Now it's getting a bit annoying.

Can we maybe get some others here for comparison, to see if it is indeed same for everyone on the same Progression level or not.
And note, the “was same until last week” seems to indicate that any (potential) 1 day lag did not start until EventQuestComp was added back into mix with new Month's quest, so either it's initial resumption day into the mix resulted in “1-time only” RNG difference (aka, will always be same 1-day difference going forward from now) between progressions, or else each Progression now has it's own separate RNG for every day. (or worse, that every single person now has their own individual RNG determining which of the 2 longest-since events they get each day).
Mine below here...
Since Update implemented, Tues 9/22/20.
Periods separate weeks, paren's are the periodic 22vs24-hr two starts in same “day”.
** is when ‘E’vent Quest was added back in, resumption of RNG between 2 oldest.
“Uncollected” Progression...
Current “L” being what is ending (in sync with OP pics timing above) on Friday with 7 hours left on it.
And how does one disagree with me saying my baby account has a different daily loyalty reset than my main account. You can't teach stupid apparently.
And besides that, all this speculation is meaningless. An actual answer from a mod along with an explanation is what I'm looking for.
After what, 6+ years in this game, they have made many many changes that don't adhere to any sort of logic or actual user friendliness. Just bone headed changes for the sake of making changes only to have them flip flop down the road after they realize the change made zero sense or was actually unintended in the first place.
I'm not doing endgame content. At best I'll do variants and attempt cavalier. I focus on a consistent experience and things that make this game more user friendly. Things that they don't really focus on whicb gets frustrating as I want to do my thing with minimal fuss and get off of here. Imagine those that are more casual want to do the same as they're casual for a reason.
(and what about below UC, anyone ?)
(edit, and fyi, Hero Use followed that Levelup this evening for my UC acct).
Also regarding the Loyalty/Help RESET TIME, which for most ppl is that particular overnight time of either 3pm or 4pm US-EST (including lot of teammates that are overseas too, was still the US-based overnight time).
But, agree, I have had just a few alliance members over the years that for some unknown reason have had a Loyalty/Help reset time that was totally different that rest of us (even being in middle of the day in US time). Have never been able to determine why that is the case for a few people's accounts.
Currently, Solo Events are available to Summoner in 3 different buckets based on Prestige. We’re doing away with this, and moving to use Campaign Progression instead!
As you move up through each Progression Level, you’ll find your 22-Hour Solo Event Milestone and Rank rewards keep getting better! 7-Hour Solo Events will also change as you progress but are lumped into groups of Progression Levels.”
It’s just the event quest completion/level up that are split. I would suspect the same is true for uncollected and which ever lower progression level cut off is used.
but SADLY I think it’s the first one. 😔