Nick fury or aegon (both awakened)

NicsterVNicsterV Member Posts: 44
I prefer aegon but I wanna see the ratios

Nick fury or aegon (both awakened) 55 votes

PalanthraxJank39NojokejaymBrokenShrimpRPrathapGhostboytjiecharmkevverMathewjdkddkxkThicco_ModeCtfz35BerjibsFiiNCHFlashSpideyCharlie21540Black_SwanAziz5253NOOOBMASTERAGYAATThe_Sentry06 20 votes
Nick fury
NanoDroidyossAlbi⁴7²00⁴MattstafariAkkarin23abqberDarkDuelistRenaxqqValkyrie1994odishika123ahmm474756TheBair123Valentinos13CheesePizzaRedNegative_100Elwindalizzhelping2 18 votes
Joe fixit god tier absolutely banger of a champion
Mhd20034Iron_Patriot_is_litIronGladiator22MCOCHazzaAmadordegamer99Soyheyor123SkyLord7000YTBigSNameless_IWPuttPuttCrcrcrcAlphaStark20SAFI_KZa_Thief_8[Deleted User]BlackTuranHavocGamer49 17 votes


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
  • HolrosHolros Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    Lol actually Nick Fury,but I chose Joe fixit because it will be totally disrespectful not to pay tribute to such a godly champion
  • Pratham02Pratham02 Member Posts: 281 ★★
  • PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
    I have both maxed out. Nick is fantastic, eventually you’ll want both ranked, but Ægon can open doors for you that no other champion can.

    He’s basically a ticket to Thronebreaker and makes Abyss quite easily beatable. He’s also fantastic in act 6, ramp him up for 1-2 fights to 100 combo and you’ve got a hard-hitting crit machine that shrugs off debuffs with every hit.
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    Joe fixit god tier absolutely banger of a champion
    Nick fury but I picked joe bc he’s the true god.

    I’m all seriousness, I do feel nick is better overall. I find he’s used for more things in the game. Ægon is excellent for LOL, AOL and act 6, but for a lot of other stuff he’s not amazing for. Fury on the other hand, is amazing for way more content - including act 6. (Even LOL he’s good at). I just think nick fury is more valuable to have a r5 than Ægon if you have multiple things to complete. If there’s just the abyss, then Ægon would be preferred. But any other scenario, nick would be the rank up for me.
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  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Aegon is only going to get better as health pools increase but I’d say atm NF is better for general questing as he doesn’t require a build up and it’s like having 1 health and a half health bars with him. It depends on which content you want to do as well tbh
  • AlphaStark20AlphaStark20 Member Posts: 61
    Joe fixit god tier absolutely banger of a champion
    I was just joking how can I take my vote back. Actually... Not anymore my 4* 3/30 Joe Fixit says otherwise.
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,160 ★★★★
    Joe fixit god tier absolutely banger of a champion
    good thing i dont have to go thru that dilemma cause i already have both aegon and nf awakened and maxed out :)
  • NicsterVNicsterV Member Posts: 44
    I know a person who popped a 5 star nexus and he was presented with an aegon, nick fury and longshot, both of them were equal value in his opinion but after minutes of hard thinking he just chose aegon
  • NicsterVNicsterV Member Posts: 44
    Even I’m am grinding 4 star shards but every time I open then, it’s a new champ and believe it or not guys, it has happened so many times that I started to cry.
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  • NicsterVNicsterV Member Posts: 44
    Well, I have 5* rank 4 aegon and he deals damage on a mass scale, I also have a 4 star rank 5 nick fury and he is like Beyond god tier when awakened, but aegon and nick are so last season. I’ll tell you the best champ, GROOT IS SOOOO OPPP HE IS BANGERRZZZ I RECENTLY PULLED HIM IN 6 STAR YESTERDAY AND LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING BOIS, I SHED MORE THAN A TEAR, BUT THOSE WERE TEARS OF JOY. Groot = broken op god tier better than nick and aegon.
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