How is Defender Rating Calculated?

Could someone clear up whether or not defender rating is calculated similar to prestige (doesn't consider mastery points or synergies that inflate PI) and only base PI+signature levels when it comes to war points. Thanks!
Ah. My bad. Defender Rating is 0.002 Points per PI placed. Thanks for pointing that out. I read too fast. Diversity is the biggest question lately.
I believe it's calculated from the total placed after the Node Boosts, so I think so. Basically, 0.002 Points for every PI after the Champs are placed. I have yet to do the math, but next War I'll add them up and calculate it. If the Boosts from Nodes apply, Boosts from Masteries and Boosts would as well. I'll let you know, unless we get an official response.
That is not completely true. It depends on the tier you are at. It is based off of the collective PI of all the defenders that you place. That is why many members of alliances are now running a suicide mastery setup to increase their PI for the champs that they place. Because once you maximize your defender diversity points you have to start trying to maximize your points in other areas like defender rating.
Yeah I confirmed yesterday. It takes Masteries and synergies into account.
That is my exact point. Skill is now completely gone. Players now are needing to make their Champs even easier to beat by running suicides. Any good player knows you can make an opponent KO itself if it is running suicides. Just bait it's L1 recoil will KO it. Why even play AW any longer it KABAM has so ruined it? AW is the new Duel Skirmish (players moan, groan and complain when it is time to play). This is ****!!!
Just do the math, add up your defender ratings once every 30 members have placed, and then compare that # to the # displayed as defender rating in your war info.
It’s not a debate.
You want to win in tier 1, you have to put on full suicide+30% boosts (from the 1400 unit questing bundle).
It’s only costing us 700 units per war...smh kabam...