Probability of One Shot MODOK on mini stun reflection node tier 2 war

Using Unawakened rank 5 Domino
Rank 2 6 star unawakened thor ragnarog
rank 5 BWCV Awakened
node is pol ka dot and stun reflection
Rank 2 6 star unawakened thor ragnarog
rank 5 BWCV Awakened
node is pol ka dot and stun reflection
Probability of One Shot MODOK on mini stun reflection node tier 2 war 18 votes
Domino 100%
3 votes
BWCV 100%
2 votes
Thor Rag 100%
0 votes
None of those can Solo that fight
7 votes
Domino 50% maybe
2 votes
BWCV 50% ??
4 votes
Domino - if you can get her lucky and modok unlucky, she can cause all kinds of debuffs for power if you get the spacing down,
Bwcv - you can throw a heavy from the other side of the arena and place stacking damaging debuffs and get power that way, throw 1-2, go in for an intercept, hit twice back off go in again etc,
I don't have a Thor rags, so I don't know if he can inflict a shock or bleed debuff, but if he can, he will ultimately hit his sp2 or sp3, etc...
Domino, how you'll get lucky while you have no power gain to reach 1 bar power ???
BWCV, try it your self in AW throwing random heavy with aggresive MODOK. lol
Thor, NO. learn his ability again.