Absolutely worth it. Especially because Aegon (who I love) you need to spend some sig stones to really see its benefit. While with Nick Fury, just awakening him unlocks what makes him great.
Is this one of them questions where you've already used a generic on him but want to ask us if you should use it....
I actually haven’t used the gem because I’ve got other stuff I have to do right now but I asked to make sure you guys didn’t think saving one for aegon was a good idea
Is this one of them questions where you've already used a generic on him but want to ask us if you should use it....
I actually haven’t used the gem because I’ve got other stuff I have to do right now but I asked to make sure you guys didn’t think saving one for aegon was a good idea
Always rank first, awaken second. If its going to take you some time to get all the rank up materials for the champ before it is really useful, and in between getting the champ and ranking him up you get lucky and pull him again, you're going to hate yourself for wasting the awakening gem. Awaken when you intend to use the champ, like as in that day. Don't awaken champs just to have them awakened and sitting on the bench. It is improbable that you would pull him again, but it was improbable that you pulled him in the first place.
Never spend very hard to get resources until you are certain you will put them to use. Once you start using Nick, if you then duplicate him you can at least tell yourself that you got good usage out of the awakening gem before duping him. It was still worth doing.
He is so darn good! I've been hunting for him myself, congrats!!
Well, unless you have Aegon and plan to do a labyrinth run soon.
Never spend very hard to get resources until you are certain you will put them to use. Once you start using Nick, if you then duplicate him you can at least tell yourself that you got good usage out of the awakening gem before duping him. It was still worth doing.