Wasp for Ghost synergy

This is a question for people who frequently play ghost. I would consider myself a pretty good ghost player and I’m getting more and more comfortable from playing her so much, but I had a question regarding the wasp synergy. I have always used this synergy for ghost but I’m doing act 6 soon (I do have a 5* ghost and wasp) and kind of want to use the wasp team slot for someone I’ll use more. What are your thought on wasp without the ghost synergy? I’ve watched some videos and know the basic strategy for throwing specials without the wasp synergy but it feels really clunky when I’ve practiced it.
You have to pay more attention to timing without her, rather than just casually throwing the special you have to dash back as they’re dashing in and immediately throw the SP2. It’s easier when the opponent is against the wall because they can’t run away from the special like they would in the middle of the map.