War Joining Restriction

People don't join war in defense but for alliance they join attack phase which make difficult to win for other alliance.
So we need to put restriction over there so that there could fair war in both defense and attack phase.
So we need to put restriction over there so that there could fair war in both defense and attack phase.
So actually they are giving your alliance better chance to win by them missing some people placing defenders for you to fight (or in this case, not have to fight).
*No risk of losing champ health or potentially losing attack bonus points if you got KO there, just make sure to travel past empty nodes/paths.
*Side with fewer defenders will also have lower Diversity points than if placed full defense with more diversity.
they win by attack bonus. even with 90% above exploration we loose just becoz of attack bonus not having defenders to fight in it lol..
If your opponent does not place some defenders, that should be Free (Full 3x Attack Bonus) for you just by you traveling thru those extra Empty nodes.
If your opponents believe that not placing some defenders will somehow help them, they are mistaken. And net result is just giving your team better chance of winning.
If your side died more times on attack that other side did, and you maybe also had less diversity that other side (even though you placed more defenders, you might have placed lot more duplicate/same champs within a BG).
Those point differences might be enough to make up for other side not fully exploring 100%.
Note, you can calculate Attack Bonus difference while war going on by comparing Defender Kills, and then subtracting any amount of fights (that were above 3 attempts) before getting a particular defender down. Easy to see on your Defense map (from opponent's attack), but harder to know on your own Attack side unless your teammates are telling you or you can see nodes being fought in real-time.