Is it worth taking a bad champ to R3 for Thonebreaker?

I have a cosmic T5CC and my only 6* options are Phoenix, Angela, Kamala Khan, and Drax...
Are any of them worth taking up just for Thonebreaker, especially with Black Friday coming up?
Are any of them worth taking up just for Thonebreaker, especially with Black Friday coming up?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Hypothetically, if Black Friday offers for Thronebreakers are ridiculous, would I be able to rank up after seeing offers? I know they addressed it last year in the in game messages but I’m just forgetting
By the time you get the perfect champ to R3 assuming you get one 6* champ a month I would probably would have accumulated 4-6 T5b and 5-6 T2 alpha and 20k 5* shards . Not to mention the nice revives and pots you get from The 4 hour crystals
There is not really a 6* aside from the very few meta champs that you can’t just hold for. If they can accomplish content for you it’s totally the rank up.
Skill: Ronin , Elsa , Gwenpool,BWDO,
Science: red hulk , ghulk, Luke cage , she hulk, spider Gwen, wasp.
Mutant : Rouge , iceman , colly , OML, magneto , Emma - long list
Cosmic : venom , VTD, Cull, carnage
Mystic : Hood , strange , MS, SS, tigra, dragon man.
Tech: P99 , sentinel, doc oc , mysterio.
All these champs aren’t the best. But can satisfy a utility and will start allowing you to earn rewards right away.