Finally Cavalier!

I finally made a push for Cavalier and made it last week! It was hard, especially the last fight. But it wasn't as big a step up from uncollected as i believed. I'm not the most skilled player, so I used up a lot of revives. Still worth it I hope.
So, what are the best advantages of being cavalier? Any tips on what to spend units on, or not to?
So, what are the best advantages of being cavalier? Any tips on what to spend units on, or not to?
Grind on!
I personally only spend units on masteries.
Sometimes if my crystal luck goes bad, I pop one cav crystal.
I believe I ended up using: Omega Red & Hyperion as maxed out 5 stars. + Warlock and Thing as rank 2 6-stars and Void as rank 1 6-star.
Anyway congrats OP, great work
I would turn your attention to the Cavalier MEQ. See how far you get, they’re not too bad but it is probably a bit harder than the easy paths through 6.1
In terms of units, I wouldn’t bother with Cav crystals when there’s so much you need to spend on.
Masteries and content should always come first. Depending on what you’ve got in the locker you could start saving towards an AOL clear - it’s not especially hard if you’re blessed with the right champs and in terms of bang for your buck it’s good value. Only any point if you have a few 6* you would R3. Otherwise start planning for 6.2 and beyond