Thank you to whoever at Kabam put in all the JoJo references

It's great to see them in game. But I do have one request
Please can you make sure that if we were to ever get an enemy who can stop time you make their quest called Za Waurdo, it has to happen
Please can you make sure that if we were to ever get an enemy who can stop time you make their quest called Za Waurdo, it has to happen
Anime is a Japanese term for most animated works coming from them. You should have heard of at least one anime such as: "one punch man", "dragon ball series", "code geass", "Naruto", "boruto", "death note", "akame ga kill", "gurren lugann" (I probably botched the name of this one, lol), etc which are some of the most popular and well-known anime that I can remember at the moment.
There's probably thousands of manga at this point.
@Erosenseiog, help me out here 😅
Nevertheless, anime is something that Japan does best, and no other country is taking that title away from them any time soon.
I'm not quite sure why Asia (Japan in particularly) decided to name it differently, but it was a smart move to give their trademark a sense of individuality. Considering how popular anime, light novels, webcomics and manga have become in general; it's only fair a name is set apart for themselves.
no one is on my level of anime expertise