What is Jojo? What’s the story? Is it like a comicbook? I’ve never got into that stuff
Do you not know "anime"?
Besides spongebob no
Spongebob is definitely not anime, lol
Anime is a Japanese term for most animated works coming from them. You should have heard of at least one anime such as: "one punch man", "dragon ball series", "code geass", "Naruto", "boruto", "death note", "akame ga kill", "gurren lugann" (I probably botched the name of this one, lol), etc which are some of the most popular and well-known anime that I can remember at the moment.
How could you forget One Piece?!?!
Yeah, I forgot about that and another one like bleach and monogatari. There's some lesser known ones like gintama, mob psycho 100, asobi asobase, and so so so many more!
My favourite animes consist of Toy Story, Corey in the House, Aeroplane safety videos... you know? Filthy Frank saga and Birdemic with some of the Bowling Alley strike screens. That stuff.
no one is on my level of anime expertise
The oxygen mask arc in "Airplane safety videos" is a masterpiece
Gotta catch em all. Or in Ash's case gotta catch 6 of them from each region and keep them all unevolved then whine about why you aren't a Pokemon master yet
My favourite animes consist of Toy Story, Corey in the House, Aeroplane safety videos... you know? Filthy Frank saga and Birdemic with some of the Bowling Alley strike screens. That stuff.
no one is on my level of anime expertise
The oxygen mask arc in "Airplane safety videos" is a masterpiece
Dude I was so sad that they killed O2, he was my favourite! I even have a body pillow!
What is Jojo? What’s the story? Is it like a comicbook? I’ve never got into that stuff
Do you not know "anime"?
Besides spongebob no
Spongebob is definitely not anime, lol
Anime is a Japanese term for most animated works coming from them. You should have heard of at least one anime such as: "one punch man", "dragon ball series", "code geass", "Naruto", "boruto", "death note", "akame ga kill", "gurren lugann" (I probably botched the name of this one, lol), etc which are some of the most popular and well-known anime that I can remember at the moment.
I thought anime was a shorter form of animation. That’s what many have told me. Also, anime shouldn’t be described only for Japanese programs. That seems weird honestly
I'm not quite sure why Asia (Japan in particularly) decided to name it differently, but it was a smart move to give their trademark a sense of individuality.
The Japanese syllabary isn't that flexible and they are usually limited by their かな (kana; syllables) so whenever they borrow a foreign word, like English, they always try to make a way to pronounce it easier.
Animation becomes アニメーション (Anime~shon) which is hard to pronounce, that's why it was reduced to Anime.
The same goes for McDonald's (マクドナルド、Makudonarudo) which became Maku... or Mado in some places.
KFC (Kei~efushi~) is also hard to pronounce that's why it is called ケンタッキー (Kentakki) here. Lol.
What is Jojo? What’s the story? Is it like a comicbook? I’ve never got into that stuff
Do you not know "anime"?
Besides spongebob no
Spongebob is definitely not anime, lol
Anime is a Japanese term for most animated works coming from them. You should have heard of at least one anime such as: "one punch man", "dragon ball series", "code geass", "Naruto", "boruto", "death note", "akame ga kill", "gurren lugann" (I probably botched the name of this one, lol), etc which are some of the most popular and well-known anime that I can remember at the moment.
I thought anime was a shorter form of animation. That’s what many have told me. Also, anime shouldn’t be described only for Japanese programs. That seems weird honestly
I'm not quite sure why Asia (Japan in particularly) decided to name it differently, but it was a smart move to give their trademark a sense of individuality.
The Japanese syllabary isn't that flexible and they are usually limited by their かな (kana; syllables) so whenever they borrow a foreign word, like English, they always try to make a way to pronounce it easier.
Animation becomes アニメーション (Anime~shon) which is hard to pronounce, that's why it was reduced to Anime.
The same goes for McDonald's (マクドナルド、Makudonarudo) which became Maku... or Mado in some places.
KFC (Kei~efushi~) is also hard to pronounce that's why it is called ケンタッキー (Kentakki) here. Lol.
The KFC reminds me of that one time where in China their slogan could be directly translated to mean "eat your fingers off"
What is Jojo? What’s the story? Is it like a comicbook? I’ve never got into that stuff
Do you not know "anime"?
Besides spongebob no
Spongebob is definitely not anime, lol
Anime is a Japanese term for most animated works coming from them. You should have heard of at least one anime such as: "one punch man", "dragon ball series", "code geass", "Naruto", "boruto", "death note", "akame ga kill", "gurren lugann" (I probably botched the name of this one, lol), etc which are some of the most popular and well-known anime that I can remember at the moment.
I thought anime was a shorter form of animation. That’s what many have told me. Also, anime shouldn’t be described only for Japanese programs. That seems weird honestly
I'm not quite sure why Asia (Japan in particularly) decided to name it differently, but it was a smart move to give their trademark a sense of individuality.
The Japanese syllabary isn't that flexible and they are usually limited by their かな (kana; syllables) so whenever they borrow a foreign word, like English, they always try to make a way to pronounce it easier.
Animation becomes アニメーション (Anime~shon) which is hard to pronounce, that's why it was reduced to Anime.
The same goes for McDonald's (マクドナルド、Makudonarudo) which became Maku... or Mado in some places.
KFC (Kei~efushi~) is also hard to pronounce that's why it is called ケンタッキー (Kentakki) here. Lol.
The KFC reminds me of that one time where in China their slogan could be directly translated to mean "eat your fingers off"
Localization is fun. Lol.
Thor Ragnarok was titled Batoru Royaru! (Battle Royale) here.
The Fast & The Furious is Wairudo Supido... yes, Wild Speed. Lol.
You are dead wrong.
How have you not heard of Jojo yet?
Haha gottem
Animation becomes アニメーション (Anime~shon) which is hard to pronounce, that's why it was reduced to Anime.
The same goes for McDonald's (マクドナルド、Makudonarudo) which became Maku... or Mado in some places.
KFC (Kei~efushi~) is also hard to pronounce that's why it is called ケンタッキー (Kentakki) here. Lol.
Thor Ragnarok was titled Batoru Royaru! (Battle Royale) here.
The Fast & The Furious is Wairudo Supido... yes, Wild Speed. Lol.