Why Y'all Should Show Okoye Some Love

Since people have started making threads in order to solicit for people's votes i thought why not do the same for a champ i really want to see.
I have posted this under a thread already and I sure hope posting it here isn't against the forums rule . Now back to why i would love Okoye to win this
1) She will belong to the skill class which is really lacking,adding her would do the class a favour especially if she is OP,ATM in the game after you max out nick and aegon you start seeing your skill resources going to waste cos there's almost no one to use it on
2)It would be a nice way to honour black panther our hero who is both dead in the game and also in reality (Chadwick boseman,may his perfect soul rest in peace)
3)If she is added shuri will most likely be added with her,ain't you excited with that combo, shuri and okoye,sounds delicious
4)They will most likely have synergies with black panthers which will be a big plus and who never can tell they may also get a buff
5)I am black and it would mean a lot to me if another black character is added to the game and please y'all shouldn't turn this to a race war
6)I see her having cool animations like killmonger,she exudes bad ass vibes and trusting kabam designers I'm sure they wont disappoint with her
7)Other candidates are popular enough and would definitely be added at one point or the other,it might be hard for Okoye though since she mainly plays a supporting role to black panther
I have posted this under a thread already and I sure hope posting it here isn't against the forums rule . Now back to why i would love Okoye to win this
1) She will belong to the skill class which is really lacking,adding her would do the class a favour especially if she is OP,ATM in the game after you max out nick and aegon you start seeing your skill resources going to waste cos there's almost no one to use it on
2)It would be a nice way to honour black panther our hero who is both dead in the game and also in reality (Chadwick boseman,may his perfect soul rest in peace)
3)If she is added shuri will most likely be added with her,ain't you excited with that combo, shuri and okoye,sounds delicious
4)They will most likely have synergies with black panthers which will be a big plus and who never can tell they may also get a buff
5)I am black and it would mean a lot to me if another black character is added to the game and please y'all shouldn't turn this to a race war
6)I see her having cool animations like killmonger,she exudes bad ass vibes and trusting kabam designers I'm sure they wont disappoint with her
7)Other candidates are popular enough and would definitely be added at one point or the other,it might be hard for Okoye though since she mainly plays a supporting role to black panther
For instance if we were to go with mechanics according to comics nick fury wouldn't be able to do s*** and nova would be beefy
And why shouldn’t we dwell on the mechanics. That’s what ultimately determines how good a champ is, so that’s what we should consider in this election. What champ is going to provide the best ‘ability value’ to the player base. Your reasons don’t outline that
Female character. That is so cool.
But here is a reference over her abilities:
Okoye is highly skilled in multiple forms of combat, being one of the key members of the Dora Milaje. She is exceptional in using various Wakandan weaponry and tools, especially skilled in the use of spears. Okoye is a great tactician and military strategist.
Because of okoye world class martial art training and studies, she is able to purify up to 3 debuffs individually by dashing back and holding block for 2 seconds. ( think gambit charge)
Whenever okoye is attacked by physical attacks in succession she masters the opponent for the duration of the combo and dodges out after the 2nd consecutive hit and retaliates.
If okoye is stunned she becomes disoriented and cannot dodge out of attacks if it has started.
Okoye gains: Tactical charges up to 100
SP1 : uses her Vibranium Spear, to shock opponents for x amount. While opponent is shocked they are passively heal blocked.
If any wants to help add it on!
But guess what they don't and one thing I know for sure is if okoye was to be released she would definitely be an attacker and will be weak on defence which is a win win,cos we have a champion we can make use of and a champion who won't give us headache when we see them on defence
So why is okoye more interesting to a player than vampire or someone who can become a trex?
Mystic sorcerors are always interesting
Hey let's all assume again like with surfer and countless others that based on their abilities canonically they'll be awesome when added 😂
Chill out and don't get so wound up if the champ you want isn't what everyone else wants.
It is a game and any champ that is voted in could be great or not regardless of their canon abilities.
Don’t worry, not wound up, just invested at this point
Usually you can expect the following from the skill class:
- Bleed
- Ability Accuracy reduction
- Evasion
- Precision
- Armor Break
- The occasional shock
I'd love to see something completely new such as a Ferocity buff (I don't know how that would look like) or a blend of Wakanda tech with her warrior training which produces a new mechanic.
Hercules is not plain and boring.
Seriously it reads like; hey forum member vote for this champ over this other champ even though you might not like the other champ as much as your true choice because I (some random forum member) am speculating, and nothing more, that they'll be much better because canonically they have all these abilities and I lack the imagination to think of all the possibilities with other champs because I'm stuck thinking they'll be nothing great and that kabam doesn't design champs and we'll be getting exact canon versions of these champs.
Blah blah blah vote for who you want, as should everyone.
I still think Morgan and OS will be potentially better overall champs for everyone.
But my resolve did tremble there for a moment
Now, as for her abilities... well, she’s pretty basic. Skilled martial artist, tactician, general are kinda par for the course for most champs, tbh. Then again, KM was just a really skilled fighter, and he turned out well, aye?
But I see her lack of flashy abilities and powers to be both a boon and a bane.
Bane: Hit with spear, shock/blast with spear, kick, punch. Depending on if they really lean into some intricate spear-work (and they freaking should!), her move set might be smooth but no special effects extravaganza. Not a lot of extra razzle-dazzle abilities.
Boon: Champs with relatively low baseline stats in the movies sometimes come out as right killers, ala Ghost, NF, etc., so between that possibility and the odds that the Player’s Choice champ being tilted towards being stronger than usual, means she would likely be a good, strong addition to a class that has seen lackluster offerings as of late.
Bonus, or curse for some, she would likely come out as a test for their eventual ‘Striker’ ability, using her specials to test how to process and animate full other champ bodies (be they nameless Dora Milaje or a stock form of a champ on your team) interacting with the field.
She is one of my top choices for those possibilities, and because I want more #Wakanda champs, and while BP 2 will probably bring Shuri + whatever Villain, the more the merrier!
I will grant that MLF (... no way that acronym for Morgan could ever cause trouble) is a close second, because I love mystics, even if they probably relegate the dinosaur to cameo appearances in the L3 (which, given a lot of L3s) stands a good chance of being not worthwhile to use.