I have not read the comics yet, and google didn’t really give any useful info, so can someone explain Immortal Hulk and Abomination’s origin stories to me?
Immortal Hulk essentially came on top from all of his other personalities (Devil Hulk, Savage Hulk, Joe Fixit, Incredible Hulk) after Banner asked Hawkeye to kill him. Spoilers, it didn’t take. He’s basically an unstoppable mix of all his personalities than comes out at night and wrecks everything
This Abomination was created to stop immortal hulk. Rick Jones and another were inside. Hulk killed it, then General Fortean took its skin and bonded with it.
Wild timing for me as I just started reading the Immortal Hulk comic last week. That’s not the greatest summary, but it’s something
Immortal Hulk essentially came on top from all of his other personalities (Devil Hulk, Savage Hulk, Joe Fixit, Incredible Hulk) after Banner asked Hawkeye to kill him. Spoilers, it didn’t take. He’s basically an unstoppable mix of all his personalities than comes out at night and wrecks everything
This Abomination was created to stop immortal hulk. Rick Jones and another were inside. Hulk killed it, then General Fortean took its skin and bonded with it.
Wild timing for me as I just started reading the Immortal Hulk comic last week. That’s not the greatest summary, but it’s something
Update: I just read the first issue and it looks amazing. Where do I buy them though? They are $6 each on Marvel Insider, and more expensive on Amazon. Any places where I can get them cheaper?
This Abomination was created to stop immortal hulk. Rick Jones and another were inside. Hulk killed it, then General Fortean took its skin and bonded with it.
Wild timing for me as I just started reading the Immortal Hulk comic last week. That’s not the greatest summary, but it’s something