Pretty darn ticked off. I thought that was more than enough. There should’ve been a milestone for just one part. And then there isn’t the even a 1-5% bracket in this arena. But “Hey!”, I still have THREE heads, TWO left arms, one right arm, and the torso. Smdh!
Miles of room between me and 300.
Should have done one more round yesterday. Oh well, no big deal
Pretty darn ticked off. I thought that was more than enough. There should’ve been a milestone for just one part. And then there isn’t the even a 1-5% bracket in this arena. But “Hey!”, I still have THREE heads, TWO left arms, one right arm, and the torso. Smdh!
I was only after units and it didn’t disappoint. Got 1400 units and didn’t get the final milestone.
I’m happy! 7400 units...getting closer to the 15k for cyber week
didn't have time for anything else.