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Multiple Accounts


Could someone please let me know what's the current state on this Topic, bc I found several old posts and comments which confused me.

Is it allowed to have multiple Accounts on one phone in the same alliance?

Thanks for the response


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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,877 ★★★★★
    Pretty sure the answer is yes
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    Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Posts: 4,495 ★★★★★
    Yes you are allowed indeed, I play on 2 seperate devices tho, just to be safe due to a friends past expiernce, but it is allowed and does not break TOS
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    Yes. There is no restriction on the number of accounts you have, or where you play those accounts. You can play them all on the same device, you can put them all in the same alliance. The only restriction is that you must play them all. No one else can play them for you, you cannot sell them or give them away to someone else, once you make an account the TOS mandates that either you play it, or no one does. But as long as you play them, you can do whatever you want with them (provided you don't break some other TOS rule).

    Many people play multiple accounts on the same devices, including Kabam employees. So this has never been a problem. I play two accounts on the same device, and have done so for a very long time.
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    AtzeKrankAtzeKrank Posts: 125

    You can have multiple accounts yes. But you cant have 1 account shared by multiple people. Think about it, if you have 1 account with 23 people having access, you can theoretically have that account running non-stop. Every person would just need to login, play for an hour, and logout. This would leave about 2.5 minutes per person to login and logout, with 23 hours overall of playtime.

    Of course, this would be difficult to balance 23 different people's lives, but the main point is: Sharing accounts would extend the amount of time your account is active, hence more progression which would be unfair.

    This wasn't my question and everybody should know that Account sharing is against the ToS.
    But thanks anyways.
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    DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Posts: 727 ★★★
    AtzeKrank said:

    everybody should know that Account sharing is against the ToS.

    Tbf, everyone should also know that having multiple accounts is NOT against ToS. But you didnt. How would I expect you to know you cant share accounts? especially since these two questions are similar
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    Mercury79Mercury79 Posts: 551 ★★
    Okey....I am using 3 acounts in one device and its okey to have...just don't use mod modding is illigal in game...if you work hard on your own then it should be okey but if you use mod then I think all your acounts gonna be ban....
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    AtzeKrankAtzeKrank Posts: 125

    AtzeKrank said:

    everybody should know that Account sharing is against the ToS.

    Tbf, everyone should also know that having multiple accounts is NOT against ToS. But you didnt. How would I expect you to know you cant share accounts? especially since these two questions are similar
    Because it's mentioned at the ToS or QA but my question isn't. But like I said, thanks for the additional informations.
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    avenge_123avenge_123 Posts: 1,307 ★★★
    Yes,for sure
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    The_beast123The_beast123 Posts: 2,077 ★★★★
    edited November 2020
    i know someone, who has 6 accounts[I'm not sure for the count, but yeah, obviously more than 3], all cavaliers[again, a not sure comment but hey!, someone with over 1 million rating is not gonna be less than a cav, would he?] all of them the leader and officers of a GOLD 2 ally. He's all fine now, yet playing, yet kicking guys outta his ally for fun :D:D
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    AtzeKrankAtzeKrank Posts: 125

    i know someone, who has 6 accounts[I'm not sure for the count, but yeah, obviously more than 3], all cavaliers[again, a not sure comment but hey!, someone with over 1 million rating is not gonna be less than a cav, would he?] all of them the leader and officers of a GOLD 2 ally. He's all fine now, yet playing, yet kicking guys outta his ally for fun :D:D

    But does he play on ONE phone only?
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    AtzeKrankAtzeKrank Posts: 125
    Got a response from my Ticket and there they say it's forbidden to have multiple Accounts on one phone in the same Alliance.

    So it's a bit confusing what's here said and written in my ticket.
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    LordTenzenLordTenzen Posts: 136
    @Kabam Miike can we get an answer here? I run 5 accounts in my own alliance. I'd like to know if Im violating any terms because as far as I've read, account SHARING is against ToS, but having multiple accounts is not. Please clarify! Thank you!
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    No, having multiple accounts (even if played from same phone, even if accounts are in same alliance, and even if joining same BG in AQ/AW), so long as it is only yourself that plays them, is NOT against the rules (as the other ppl knowledgeable about the subject here have already said).

    Not sure what the OP's previous reply from Kabam support was referencing, maybe OP was asking about one thing and Support was replying thinking he was asking about a different situation (sharing) ??

    Kabam Moderators in Forum have even said that multiple such accounts (so long as not shared between different people) is OK.
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    Soulreaver42Soulreaver42 Posts: 46
    Yes, you are allowed to have as many accounts as you want. Otherwise all of the YouTubers who create new accounts (such as Seatin with his multiple F2P accounts, BriantGrant with his McFabio 7-day account challenge, Lagacy with his ongoing F2P Lags Jr. account, etc.) would get banned.
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    LordTenzenLordTenzen Posts: 136
    Thats what I thought but want to be absolutely sure as I've just started Live Streaming recently. My concern is that I play in alliance almost by myself. So I play 5 accounts for War. Thats the only thing I can think of that might be an unfair advantage but really want to make sure I'm good. Thanks for the help.
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    GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Posts: 2,242 ★★★★★
    Well if it was no all 12 accounts of mine woulda been banned :)

    @SpideyFunko is correct :)
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    AtzeKrankAtzeKrank Posts: 125

    Yes, you are allowed to have as many accounts as you want. Otherwise all of the YouTubers who create new accounts (such as Seatin with his multiple F2P accounts, BriantGrant with his McFabio 7-day account challenge, Lagacy with his ongoing F2P Lags Jr. account, etc.) would get banned.

    This wasn't the question at all.
    I asked if multiple accounts on ONE phone and same alliance will get you banned.
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,472 Guardian
    edited November 2020
    AtzeKrank said:

    Yes, you are allowed to have as many accounts as you want. Otherwise all of the YouTubers who create new accounts (such as Seatin with his multiple F2P accounts, BriantGrant with his McFabio 7-day account challenge, Lagacy with his ongoing F2P Lags Jr. account, etc.) would get banned.

    This wasn't the question at all.
    I asked if multiple accounts on ONE phone and same alliance will get you banned.
    And it has been answered many times already. No that is NOT a bannable offense.
    It's not any offense at all.
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    AtzeKrankAtzeKrank Posts: 125

    AtzeKrank said:

    Yes, you are allowed to have as many accounts as you want. Otherwise all of the YouTubers who create new accounts (such as Seatin with his multiple F2P accounts, BriantGrant with his McFabio 7-day account challenge, Lagacy with his ongoing F2P Lags Jr. account, etc.) would get banned.

    This wasn't the question at all.
    I asked if multiple accounts on ONE phone and same alliance will get you banned.
    And it has been answered many times already. No that is NOT a bannable offense.
    It's not any offense at all.
    And like i said, its the complete opposite of what the Support told me.
    As long non of Kabam clarifies this, its all rumors.
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    KarmaConnectKarmaConnect Posts: 48
    AtzeKrank said:

    AtzeKrank said:

    Yes, you are allowed to have as many accounts as you want. Otherwise all of the YouTubers who create new accounts (such as Seatin with his multiple F2P accounts, BriantGrant with his McFabio 7-day account challenge, Lagacy with his ongoing F2P Lags Jr. account, etc.) would get banned.

    This wasn't the question at all.
    I asked if multiple accounts on ONE phone and same alliance will get you banned.
    And it has been answered many times already. No that is NOT a bannable offense.
    It's not any offense at all.
    And like i said, its the complete opposite of what the Support told me.
    As long non of Kabam clarifies this, its all rumors.
    Ive been playing multiple accounts on the same phone and same alliance for years. So the answer is Yes it is allowed.
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