Fixit fine good shop is big fat L for Conquerors

So sadly Conquerors won't be able to spend enough gamma points to get featured 5*star crystal and generic awakening gem from new solo objective I recommend to get Uncollected before it's too late because you're gonna miss out some spicy rewards.Also I wanted to ask what we should do with leftover over gamma points if we bought everything form Conqueror rewards in the new shop.
Shouldn't you be focusing on 4 stars and 3 stars.
Y'all low level players feel like you deserve the same rewards as cavalier players
And no, it's not sad. Spoiling the beginners too much will make a lot of new UC and Cavalier that whines a lot before even trying to learn how to play the game properly because they skipped a crucial part in the learning curve.
I know you have heard it before, but I am an exceptionally mediocre player and I just took my fourth account to uncollected or beyond. The last three have been FTP, and this last one was with 4*s. It’s not the easiest and you will burn some resources, but clearly the game thinks it’s worth it.
You can still parry but keep in mind that your first parry will always fail. So if you can't reparry do this: Parry -> Fail -> Dash Back/Block -> Parry -> Your normal combo. There will be a timer on the opponent when masochism is off. While it is off, you can parry as much as you want.