What are your thoughts About the root node? And how do you counter it?

I personally don’t mind the root node because the speeding on specials is pretty easy but it gets annoying baiting out specials does anyone know any counters for it?
Otherwise I hope for the best and try to dex. Working out decently so far. Just hate some of the contact attacks
We appreciate the discussion you're having about the new Root mechanic, so please be advised that we do have an official thread for feedback on this new mechanic: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/231578/root-feedback-new-mechanic#latest
Our team will be checking that thread for any feedback from you all, so please be sure to post any discussion and/or feedback there so we do not miss it!
Thank you in advance for your cooperation! Cheerio!
one piece of advice for countering root is practicing dexing specials on people that have hard to dex special attacks!