CMM if you want to cheese your way through map 6/7 and some act 6 lanes. Archangel if you want to shut everything down.
Thanks Kill....-:)
Sure! I have both awakened at rank 5 as 5*s, and I've found AA's sig to be a bit more useful (probably just because I use him more). But since I started map 6, CMM's sig has been a God send!
Between CM and AA really,,,forget the other two. I used a cosmic on my CM and if I had to I would have gone generic. With it she can tank sp3’s and with high sig you get 12 seconds where a mistake wouldn’t matter,...and paired with or even without NF she’s a beast.
I'd go AA or CMM
Even I am thinking more on AA or CMM but not able to decide one....anyways thanks for putting up your suggestion.