Void is r4 as I’ve not needed him really. Don’t really see what having him at r5 would add to the conversation. I’ve had him available through act 6.
Abyss done, act 6 done, all variants 100% bar v1 for reference. Not trying to say I’m the best player btw, I’m not, but have decent amount of stuff cleared.
Maybe I was doing it wrong clearing that content without void when I already had other options ranked up that covered it? 🤷🏽♂️
Fair enough I’ve not done 6.2 exploration yet, I’m gonna finish 3 and 4 first before going back to that turdfest. 😂
For me AA has been a much better investment, I took him up to 100ish and r5 before starting 6.3. Void has been an unnecessary use of resources thus far, post act 5 (which I did a huge amount of using 4* void btw).
Really the only point I’m trying to make here is void brings overwhelmingly duplicate utility to the OP. AA brings new, unique utility.
There no right answer. Duplicate utility is still useful utility when you are running 3 teams at the same time in various game modes. I’d prefer to open up my range of utility first however.
As usual it’s fun having such robust, detailed, passionate discussion with you. 👍
Well yes, I'm quite aware of how much farther than me you've gone in the game, and I respect your opinions and advise as a veteran player you are. But yeah, I kind of understand your stance in that regard. I also have AA and Void at rank 5, and I use archangel more of course. I would also agree that he should go AA first.
But yeah, it was also nice having another constructive discussion with you, my dude. And good luck in 6.2, it's a slugfest for sure.
Thanks dude. Not much of a veteran though, just 2 years in and I reckon we are probably pretty close in reality with the accounts.
Torch and warlock can easily replace void for healing and they both finish fights much faster in most circumstances. Warlock punishes healing with powerdrain which enables you do do massive damage spamming heavies in the corner. MLM combos with torch is hardly taxing gameplay.
Warlock and torch don’t need despair allowing more aggressive mastery setups.
Magik can counter powergain.
Iceman, spidergwen or just decent gameplay can counter evade. I actually use warlock in evade matchups a lot as you can condense his damage down into single hits or two hit combos. I beat the green adaptoid for eg in v2 with him, one of the more annoying evade fights in the game.
You can beat mordo with most champs. If you need a fatigue debuff, void can still do that unduped.
Torch benefits from despair even more than Void does.
Depends on what your roster looks like and how many sigs you could put into Void.
I don't think you need void that much. You've got warlock and torch who cover all that void does and much more.
Lies! They can't counter evade, nor scenarios where you would need a fatigue debuff (like mordo). Torch's heal countering is situational, and depends on an aggressive playstyle, whereas Void can either be aggressive or passive, and still do a much better job than torch. Warlock just blocks, doesn't punish. And since when can either torch or Warlock counter passive power gain?
All truths. Warlock is a good evade counter not the best but void too isn't. Torch would smoke any mordo in the game and I have never seen any fight where you need fatigue debuff. Warlock also has decent power control and also he has got magik so I don't think that passive power gain is a problem for him.
Do you guys not understand? You're basically saying that he needs 2-3 of those champs to fill the role of Void. Void can do what he does alone, and even better still.
Have you ever heard of 1% Regen electros? It's pretty much guaranteed that there's 1 or 2 in the game. Good luck using Torch or Warlock against them.
Torch doesn’t need despair. Read his abilities.
I’ve killed regen electro with warlock. Heavy spam and bleeds. Took damage but I killed him first and warlock can regen so all good.
Dude not saying void can’t do all that stuff but if you’ve already got it covered in your roster (which despite your protestations the OP does) then you can afford to invest in a champ like AA who does something you don’t have covered which is 100% ability reduction.
Ultimately it’s their decision, we are just trying to give good advice.
Void doesn't need despair either. And he benefits to a relatively lesser extent than Torch does.
I'm also not saying that Warlock can't do that electro, but Void can without needing to take chip damage.
Also yes, this thread is about AA and Void. It's you guys that brought up the other stuff.
Lastly, it's a poll. The results say a lot already. At this point, we're probably just confusing the OP with our "advice".
We guys brought up the other stuff ?! I just said he didn't need void that much right now.So he would be better off ranking up AA.You were the one who took it personal and started arguing.
Might not have been you in particular that brought up the other champs first, I'm just trying to say that there's a lot of utility that Void possesses which would require a relative multitude of other champs to match. And even then, he's more or less better for the job.
Besides, you didn't even mention AA once in your first post.
Well, here it is, finally.
Well it is implicit that when I am telling you don't need void it means you should go for AA. You just get too emotional about your champs that you can't even understand the simplest of things.
I could say the exact same thing about you. I hope you at least realize that.
What? How? You were the one arguing he should upgrade void. I just named some champs that have common utilities with him. It incidentally happened to be warlock and torch and you got just fired up that I took their names.
And as I said earlier, I have both Void and AA maxed out in level and sig (AA is sig 112). So saying I'm getting "emotional over my 'champs'" doesn't make any sense in this context. This thread originally didn't include those champs you mentioned. You're the one that brought them up when unnecessary. Besides, it's not like if someone brought up an argument against a champ like Warlock, you wouldn't comment.
@Aleor how does void cover more fights? Isnt he only used for regen/power gain fights?
@GagoH Well, he clearly covers more fight then AA, wich is what I meant. AA doesn't work best, of there is bleed or poison immunity. Bleed immune champs are terrible for him, and poison immune who can bleed - you will have some damage, but it's less then nt and no aar.
As for void overall - he works for any fight, if there is no debuff immunity or shrug off. Yes, one of his debuffs reverses power gain and then, other debuffs are not as important. But you can also use him for any fight without something like bleed node. For fights, where you don't want to hit opponent, he's one of three suitable champs (also omega and quake). Fights with him may take time, but he works for almost always
Void is r4 as I’ve not needed him really. Don’t really see what having him at r5 would add to the conversation. I’ve had him available through act 6.
Abyss done, act 6 done, all variants 100% bar v1 for reference. Not trying to say I’m the best player btw, I’m not, but have decent amount of stuff cleared.
Maybe I was doing it wrong clearing that content without void when I already had other options ranked up that covered it? 🤷🏽♂️
Fair enough I’ve not done 6.2 exploration yet, I’m gonna finish 3 and 4 first before going back to that turdfest. 😂
For me AA has been a much better investment, I took him up to 100ish and r5 before starting 6.3. Void has been an unnecessary use of resources thus far, post act 5 (which I did a huge amount of using 4* void btw).
Really the only point I’m trying to make here is void brings overwhelmingly duplicate utility to the OP. AA brings new, unique utility.
There no right answer. Duplicate utility is still useful utility when you are running 3 teams at the same time in various game modes. I’d prefer to open up my range of utility first however.
As usual it’s fun having such robust, detailed, passionate discussion with you. 👍
Well yes, I'm quite aware of how much farther than me you've gone in the game, and I respect your opinions and advise as a veteran player you are. But yeah, I kind of understand your stance in that regard. I also have AA and Void at rank 5, and I use archangel more of course. I would also agree that he should go AA first.
But yeah, it was also nice having another constructive discussion with you, my dude. And good luck in 6.2, it's a slugfest for sure.
Thanks dude. Not much of a veteran though, just 2 years in and I reckon we are probably pretty close in reality with the accounts.
Torch and warlock can easily replace void for healing and they both finish fights much faster in most circumstances. Warlock punishes healing with powerdrain which enables you do do massive damage spamming heavies in the corner. MLM combos with torch is hardly taxing gameplay.
Warlock and torch don’t need despair allowing more aggressive mastery setups.
Magik can counter powergain.
Iceman, spidergwen or just decent gameplay can counter evade. I actually use warlock in evade matchups a lot as you can condense his damage down into single hits or two hit combos. I beat the green adaptoid for eg in v2 with him, one of the more annoying evade fights in the game.
You can beat mordo with most champs. If you need a fatigue debuff, void can still do that unduped.
Torch benefits from despair even more than Void does.
Depends on what your roster looks like and how many sigs you could put into Void.
I don't think you need void that much. You've got warlock and torch who cover all that void does and much more.
Lies! They can't counter evade, nor scenarios where you would need a fatigue debuff (like mordo). Torch's heal countering is situational, and depends on an aggressive playstyle, whereas Void can either be aggressive or passive, and still do a much better job than torch. Warlock just blocks, doesn't punish. And since when can either torch or Warlock counter passive power gain?
All truths. Warlock is a good evade counter not the best but void too isn't. Torch would smoke any mordo in the game and I have never seen any fight where you need fatigue debuff. Warlock also has decent power control and also he has got magik so I don't think that passive power gain is a problem for him.
Do you guys not understand? You're basically saying that he needs 2-3 of those champs to fill the role of Void. Void can do what he does alone, and even better still.
Have you ever heard of 1% Regen electros? It's pretty much guaranteed that there's 1 or 2 in the game. Good luck using Torch or Warlock against them.
Torch doesn’t need despair. Read his abilities.
I’ve killed regen electro with warlock. Heavy spam and bleeds. Took damage but I killed him first and warlock can regen so all good.
Dude not saying void can’t do all that stuff but if you’ve already got it covered in your roster (which despite your protestations the OP does) then you can afford to invest in a champ like AA who does something you don’t have covered which is 100% ability reduction.
Ultimately it’s their decision, we are just trying to give good advice.
Void doesn't need despair either. And he benefits to a relatively lesser extent than Torch does.
I'm also not saying that Warlock can't do that electro, but Void can without needing to take chip damage.
Also yes, this thread is about AA and Void. It's you guys that brought up the other stuff.
Lastly, it's a poll. The results say a lot already. At this point, we're probably just confusing the OP with our "advice".
We guys brought up the other stuff ?! I just said he didn't need void that much right now.So he would be better off ranking up AA.You were the one who took it personal and started arguing.
Might not have been you in particular that brought up the other champs first, I'm just trying to say that there's a lot of utility that Void possesses which would require a relative multitude of other champs to match. And even then, he's more or less better for the job.
Besides, you didn't even mention AA once in your first post.
Well, here it is, finally.
Well it is implicit that when I am telling you don't need void it means you should go for AA. You just get too emotional about your champs that you can't even understand the simplest of things.
I could say the exact same thing about you. I hope you at least realize that.
What? How? You were the one arguing he should upgrade void. I just named some champs that have common utilities with him. It incidentally happened to be warlock and torch and you got just fired up that I took their names.
And as I said earlier, I have both Void and AA maxed out in level and sig (AA is sig 112). So saying I'm getting "emotional over my 'champs'" doesn't make any sense in this context. This thread originally didn't include those champs you mentioned. You're the one that brought them up when unnecessary. Besides, it's not like if someone brought up an argument against a champ like Warlock, you wouldn't comment.
You're just being funny now. In this case your champion is void. Forget AA. AA was never in the discussion. You decided yourselves that it was unnecessary to point out the champs that have those utilities which void has. I had to be specific. Telling the op only that he has those champs without telling him the names is just too vague. You were the one who started fighting. Saying: "Lies. Void is too op. He does this . He does that" without even looking at his roster. I didn't say anything bad about void.
And about talking about warlock. if there is a discussion about warlock I would talk about him.Here we are not talking about any champ. We are just helping him make a decision. You are making no sense here.
@Aleor how does void cover more fights? Isnt he only used for regen/power gain fights?
@GagoH Well, he clearly covers more fight then AA, wich is what I meant. AA doesn't work best, of there is bleed or poison immunity. Bleed immune champs are terrible for him, and poison immune who can bleed - you will have some damage, but it's less then nt and no aar.
As for void overall - he works for any fight, if there is no debuff immunity or shrug off. Yes, one of his debuffs reverses power gain and then, other debuffs are not as important. But you can also use him for any fight without something like bleed node. For fights, where you don't want to hit opponent, he's one of three suitable champs (also omega and quake). Fights with him may take time, but he works for almost always
But you wont really use void if theres no regen or power gain. The damage will be super slow. I guess this is probably wrong since people use him to solo thing bosses in aw. Maybe someone can enlighten me where else hed be used for
@Aleor how does void cover more fights? Isnt he only used for regen/power gain fights?
@GagoH Well, he clearly covers more fight then AA, wich is what I meant. AA doesn't work best, of there is bleed or poison immunity. Bleed immune champs are terrible for him, and poison immune who can bleed - you will have some damage, but it's less then nt and no aar.
As for void overall - he works for any fight, if there is no debuff immunity or shrug off. Yes, one of his debuffs reverses power gain and then, other debuffs are not as important. But you can also use him for any fight without something like bleed node. For fights, where you don't want to hit opponent, he's one of three suitable champs (also omega and quake). Fights with him may take time, but he works for almost always
But you wont really use void if theres no regen or power gain. The damage will be super slow. I guess this is probably wrong since people use him to solo thing bosses in aw. Maybe someone can enlighten me where else hed be used for
He can and should be used everywhere. There are so many situations where you want to avoid contact on the opponent or keep a low hit count which is why Omega and Quake are so God-like and Void is no different. Along with doing solid damage without touching the opponent, his debuffs shut down most abilities making him a solid counter to almost everything.
Void is r4 as I’ve not needed him really. Don’t really see what having him at r5 would add to the conversation. I’ve had him available through act 6.
Abyss done, act 6 done, all variants 100% bar v1 for reference. Not trying to say I’m the best player btw, I’m not, but have decent amount of stuff cleared.
Maybe I was doing it wrong clearing that content without void when I already had other options ranked up that covered it? 🤷🏽♂️
Fair enough I’ve not done 6.2 exploration yet, I’m gonna finish 3 and 4 first before going back to that turdfest. 😂
For me AA has been a much better investment, I took him up to 100ish and r5 before starting 6.3. Void has been an unnecessary use of resources thus far, post act 5 (which I did a huge amount of using 4* void btw).
Really the only point I’m trying to make here is void brings overwhelmingly duplicate utility to the OP. AA brings new, unique utility.
There no right answer. Duplicate utility is still useful utility when you are running 3 teams at the same time in various game modes. I’d prefer to open up my range of utility first however.
As usual it’s fun having such robust, detailed, passionate discussion with you. 👍
Well yes, I'm quite aware of how much farther than me you've gone in the game, and I respect your opinions and advise as a veteran player you are. But yeah, I kind of understand your stance in that regard. I also have AA and Void at rank 5, and I use archangel more of course. I would also agree that he should go AA first.
But yeah, it was also nice having another constructive discussion with you, my dude. And good luck in 6.2, it's a slugfest for sure.
Thanks dude. Not much of a veteran though, just 2 years in and I reckon we are probably pretty close in reality with the accounts.
Torch and warlock can easily replace void for healing and they both finish fights much faster in most circumstances. Warlock punishes healing with powerdrain which enables you do do massive damage spamming heavies in the corner. MLM combos with torch is hardly taxing gameplay.
Warlock and torch don’t need despair allowing more aggressive mastery setups.
Magik can counter powergain.
Iceman, spidergwen or just decent gameplay can counter evade. I actually use warlock in evade matchups a lot as you can condense his damage down into single hits or two hit combos. I beat the green adaptoid for eg in v2 with him, one of the more annoying evade fights in the game.
You can beat mordo with most champs. If you need a fatigue debuff, void can still do that unduped.
Torch benefits from despair even more than Void does.
Depends on what your roster looks like and how many sigs you could put into Void.
I don't think you need void that much. You've got warlock and torch who cover all that void does and much more.
Lies! They can't counter evade, nor scenarios where you would need a fatigue debuff (like mordo). Torch's heal countering is situational, and depends on an aggressive playstyle, whereas Void can either be aggressive or passive, and still do a much better job than torch. Warlock just blocks, doesn't punish. And since when can either torch or Warlock counter passive power gain?
All truths. Warlock is a good evade counter not the best but void too isn't. Torch would smoke any mordo in the game and I have never seen any fight where you need fatigue debuff. Warlock also has decent power control and also he has got magik so I don't think that passive power gain is a problem for him.
Do you guys not understand? You're basically saying that he needs 2-3 of those champs to fill the role of Void. Void can do what he does alone, and even better still.
Have you ever heard of 1% Regen electros? It's pretty much guaranteed that there's 1 or 2 in the game. Good luck using Torch or Warlock against them.
Torch doesn’t need despair. Read his abilities.
I’ve killed regen electro with warlock. Heavy spam and bleeds. Took damage but I killed him first and warlock can regen so all good.
Dude not saying void can’t do all that stuff but if you’ve already got it covered in your roster (which despite your protestations the OP does) then you can afford to invest in a champ like AA who does something you don’t have covered which is 100% ability reduction.
Ultimately it’s their decision, we are just trying to give good advice.
Void doesn't need despair either. And he benefits to a relatively lesser extent than Torch does.
I'm also not saying that Warlock can't do that electro, but Void can without needing to take chip damage.
Also yes, this thread is about AA and Void. It's you guys that brought up the other stuff.
Lastly, it's a poll. The results say a lot already. At this point, we're probably just confusing the OP with our "advice".
We guys brought up the other stuff ?! I just said he didn't need void that much right now.So he would be better off ranking up AA.You were the one who took it personal and started arguing.
Might not have been you in particular that brought up the other champs first, I'm just trying to say that there's a lot of utility that Void possesses which would require a relative multitude of other champs to match. And even then, he's more or less better for the job.
Besides, you didn't even mention AA once in your first post.
Well, here it is, finally.
Well it is implicit that when I am telling you don't need void it means you should go for AA. You just get too emotional about your champs that you can't even understand the simplest of things.
I could say the exact same thing about you. I hope you at least realize that.
What? How? You were the one arguing he should upgrade void. I just named some champs that have common utilities with him. It incidentally happened to be warlock and torch and you got just fired up that I took their names.
And as I said earlier, I have both Void and AA maxed out in level and sig (AA is sig 112). So saying I'm getting "emotional over my 'champs'" doesn't make any sense in this context. This thread originally didn't include those champs you mentioned. You're the one that brought them up when unnecessary. Besides, it's not like if someone brought up an argument against a champ like Warlock, you wouldn't comment.
You're just being funny now. In this case your champion is void. Forget AA. AA was never in the discussion. You decided yourselves that it was unnecessary to point out the champs that have those utilities which void has. I had to be specific. Telling the op only that he has those champs without telling him the names is just too vague. You were the one who started fighting. Saying: "Lies. Void is too op. He does this . He does that" without even looking at his roster. I didn't say anything bad about void.
And about talking about warlock. if there is a discussion about warlock I would talk about him.Here we are not talking about any champ. We are just helping him make a decision. You are making no sense here.
You just love to argue, don't you? You haven't even used Void in act 6. And I assume you also haven't used him in map 6 or high tier war. As someone like you who is fairly inexperienced with him, I wonder what you're trying to debate at the end of the day.
Void is r4 as I’ve not needed him really. Don’t really see what having him at r5 would add to the conversation. I’ve had him available through act 6.
Abyss done, act 6 done, all variants 100% bar v1 for reference. Not trying to say I’m the best player btw, I’m not, but have decent amount of stuff cleared.
Maybe I was doing it wrong clearing that content without void when I already had other options ranked up that covered it? 🤷🏽♂️
Fair enough I’ve not done 6.2 exploration yet, I’m gonna finish 3 and 4 first before going back to that turdfest. 😂
For me AA has been a much better investment, I took him up to 100ish and r5 before starting 6.3. Void has been an unnecessary use of resources thus far, post act 5 (which I did a huge amount of using 4* void btw).
Really the only point I’m trying to make here is void brings overwhelmingly duplicate utility to the OP. AA brings new, unique utility.
There no right answer. Duplicate utility is still useful utility when you are running 3 teams at the same time in various game modes. I’d prefer to open up my range of utility first however.
As usual it’s fun having such robust, detailed, passionate discussion with you. 👍
Well yes, I'm quite aware of how much farther than me you've gone in the game, and I respect your opinions and advise as a veteran player you are. But yeah, I kind of understand your stance in that regard. I also have AA and Void at rank 5, and I use archangel more of course. I would also agree that he should go AA first.
But yeah, it was also nice having another constructive discussion with you, my dude. And good luck in 6.2, it's a slugfest for sure.
Thanks dude. Not much of a veteran though, just 2 years in and I reckon we are probably pretty close in reality with the accounts.
Torch and warlock can easily replace void for healing and they both finish fights much faster in most circumstances. Warlock punishes healing with powerdrain which enables you do do massive damage spamming heavies in the corner. MLM combos with torch is hardly taxing gameplay.
Warlock and torch don’t need despair allowing more aggressive mastery setups.
Magik can counter powergain.
Iceman, spidergwen or just decent gameplay can counter evade. I actually use warlock in evade matchups a lot as you can condense his damage down into single hits or two hit combos. I beat the green adaptoid for eg in v2 with him, one of the more annoying evade fights in the game.
You can beat mordo with most champs. If you need a fatigue debuff, void can still do that unduped.
Torch benefits from despair even more than Void does.
Depends on what your roster looks like and how many sigs you could put into Void.
I don't think you need void that much. You've got warlock and torch who cover all that void does and much more.
Lies! They can't counter evade, nor scenarios where you would need a fatigue debuff (like mordo). Torch's heal countering is situational, and depends on an aggressive playstyle, whereas Void can either be aggressive or passive, and still do a much better job than torch. Warlock just blocks, doesn't punish. And since when can either torch or Warlock counter passive power gain?
All truths. Warlock is a good evade counter not the best but void too isn't. Torch would smoke any mordo in the game and I have never seen any fight where you need fatigue debuff. Warlock also has decent power control and also he has got magik so I don't think that passive power gain is a problem for him.
Do you guys not understand? You're basically saying that he needs 2-3 of those champs to fill the role of Void. Void can do what he does alone, and even better still.
Have you ever heard of 1% Regen electros? It's pretty much guaranteed that there's 1 or 2 in the game. Good luck using Torch or Warlock against them.
Torch doesn’t need despair. Read his abilities.
I’ve killed regen electro with warlock. Heavy spam and bleeds. Took damage but I killed him first and warlock can regen so all good.
Dude not saying void can’t do all that stuff but if you’ve already got it covered in your roster (which despite your protestations the OP does) then you can afford to invest in a champ like AA who does something you don’t have covered which is 100% ability reduction.
Ultimately it’s their decision, we are just trying to give good advice.
Void doesn't need despair either. And he benefits to a relatively lesser extent than Torch does.
I'm also not saying that Warlock can't do that electro, but Void can without needing to take chip damage.
Also yes, this thread is about AA and Void. It's you guys that brought up the other stuff.
Lastly, it's a poll. The results say a lot already. At this point, we're probably just confusing the OP with our "advice".
We guys brought up the other stuff ?! I just said he didn't need void that much right now.So he would be better off ranking up AA.You were the one who took it personal and started arguing.
Might not have been you in particular that brought up the other champs first, I'm just trying to say that there's a lot of utility that Void possesses which would require a relative multitude of other champs to match. And even then, he's more or less better for the job.
Besides, you didn't even mention AA once in your first post.
Well, here it is, finally.
Well it is implicit that when I am telling you don't need void it means you should go for AA. You just get too emotional about your champs that you can't even understand the simplest of things.
I could say the exact same thing about you. I hope you at least realize that.
What? How? You were the one arguing he should upgrade void. I just named some champs that have common utilities with him. It incidentally happened to be warlock and torch and you got just fired up that I took their names.
And as I said earlier, I have both Void and AA maxed out in level and sig (AA is sig 112). So saying I'm getting "emotional over my 'champs'" doesn't make any sense in this context. This thread originally didn't include those champs you mentioned. You're the one that brought them up when unnecessary. Besides, it's not like if someone brought up an argument against a champ like Warlock, you wouldn't comment.
You're just being funny now. In this case your champion is void. Forget AA. AA was never in the discussion. You decided yourselves that it was unnecessary to point out the champs that have those utilities which void has. I had to be specific. Telling the op only that he has those champs without telling him the names is just too vague. You were the one who started fighting. Saying: "Lies. Void is too op. He does this . He does that" without even looking at his roster. I didn't say anything bad about void.
And about talking about warlock. if there is a discussion about warlock I would talk about him.Here we are not talking about any champ. We are just helping him make a decision. You are making no sense here.
You just love to argue, don't you? You haven't even used Void in act 6. And I assume you also haven't used him in map 6 or high tier war. As someone like you who is fairly inexperienced with him, I wonder what you're trying to debate at the end of the day.
I am trying to debate nothing. You said I brought the other champs and that's why I was talking. There was no need for me to say anything else. Neither was for you. And now I won't say anything else. My points are all presented.
Void is r4 as I’ve not needed him really. Don’t really see what having him at r5 would add to the conversation. I’ve had him available through act 6.
Abyss done, act 6 done, all variants 100% bar v1 for reference. Not trying to say I’m the best player btw, I’m not, but have decent amount of stuff cleared.
Maybe I was doing it wrong clearing that content without void when I already had other options ranked up that covered it? 🤷🏽♂️
Fair enough I’ve not done 6.2 exploration yet, I’m gonna finish 3 and 4 first before going back to that turdfest. 😂
For me AA has been a much better investment, I took him up to 100ish and r5 before starting 6.3. Void has been an unnecessary use of resources thus far, post act 5 (which I did a huge amount of using 4* void btw).
Really the only point I’m trying to make here is void brings overwhelmingly duplicate utility to the OP. AA brings new, unique utility.
There no right answer. Duplicate utility is still useful utility when you are running 3 teams at the same time in various game modes. I’d prefer to open up my range of utility first however.
As usual it’s fun having such robust, detailed, passionate discussion with you. 👍
Well yes, I'm quite aware of how much farther than me you've gone in the game, and I respect your opinions and advise as a veteran player you are. But yeah, I kind of understand your stance in that regard. I also have AA and Void at rank 5, and I use archangel more of course. I would also agree that he should go AA first.
But yeah, it was also nice having another constructive discussion with you, my dude. And good luck in 6.2, it's a slugfest for sure.
Thanks dude. Not much of a veteran though, just 2 years in and I reckon we are probably pretty close in reality with the accounts.
Torch and warlock can easily replace void for healing and they both finish fights much faster in most circumstances. Warlock punishes healing with powerdrain which enables you do do massive damage spamming heavies in the corner. MLM combos with torch is hardly taxing gameplay.
Warlock and torch don’t need despair allowing more aggressive mastery setups.
Magik can counter powergain.
Iceman, spidergwen or just decent gameplay can counter evade. I actually use warlock in evade matchups a lot as you can condense his damage down into single hits or two hit combos. I beat the green adaptoid for eg in v2 with him, one of the more annoying evade fights in the game.
You can beat mordo with most champs. If you need a fatigue debuff, void can still do that unduped.
Torch benefits from despair even more than Void does.
Depends on what your roster looks like and how many sigs you could put into Void.
I don't think you need void that much. You've got warlock and torch who cover all that void does and much more.
Lies! They can't counter evade, nor scenarios where you would need a fatigue debuff (like mordo). Torch's heal countering is situational, and depends on an aggressive playstyle, whereas Void can either be aggressive or passive, and still do a much better job than torch. Warlock just blocks, doesn't punish. And since when can either torch or Warlock counter passive power gain?
All truths. Warlock is a good evade counter not the best but void too isn't. Torch would smoke any mordo in the game and I have never seen any fight where you need fatigue debuff. Warlock also has decent power control and also he has got magik so I don't think that passive power gain is a problem for him.
Do you guys not understand? You're basically saying that he needs 2-3 of those champs to fill the role of Void. Void can do what he does alone, and even better still.
Have you ever heard of 1% Regen electros? It's pretty much guaranteed that there's 1 or 2 in the game. Good luck using Torch or Warlock against them.
Torch doesn’t need despair. Read his abilities.
I’ve killed regen electro with warlock. Heavy spam and bleeds. Took damage but I killed him first and warlock can regen so all good.
Dude not saying void can’t do all that stuff but if you’ve already got it covered in your roster (which despite your protestations the OP does) then you can afford to invest in a champ like AA who does something you don’t have covered which is 100% ability reduction.
Ultimately it’s their decision, we are just trying to give good advice.
Void doesn't need despair either. And he benefits to a relatively lesser extent than Torch does.
I'm also not saying that Warlock can't do that electro, but Void can without needing to take chip damage.
Also yes, this thread is about AA and Void. It's you guys that brought up the other stuff.
Lastly, it's a poll. The results say a lot already. At this point, we're probably just confusing the OP with our "advice".
We guys brought up the other stuff ?! I just said he didn't need void that much right now.So he would be better off ranking up AA.You were the one who took it personal and started arguing.
Might not have been you in particular that brought up the other champs first, I'm just trying to say that there's a lot of utility that Void possesses which would require a relative multitude of other champs to match. And even then, he's more or less better for the job.
Besides, you didn't even mention AA once in your first post.
Well, here it is, finally.
Well it is implicit that when I am telling you don't need void it means you should go for AA. You just get too emotional about your champs that you can't even understand the simplest of things.
I could say the exact same thing about you. I hope you at least realize that.
What? How? You were the one arguing he should upgrade void. I just named some champs that have common utilities with him. It incidentally happened to be warlock and torch and you got just fired up that I took their names.
And as I said earlier, I have both Void and AA maxed out in level and sig (AA is sig 112). So saying I'm getting "emotional over my 'champs'" doesn't make any sense in this context. This thread originally didn't include those champs you mentioned. You're the one that brought them up when unnecessary. Besides, it's not like if someone brought up an argument against a champ like Warlock, you wouldn't comment.
You're just being funny now. In this case your champion is void. Forget AA. AA was never in the discussion. You decided yourselves that it was unnecessary to point out the champs that have those utilities which void has. I had to be specific. Telling the op only that he has those champs without telling him the names is just too vague. You were the one who started fighting. Saying: "Lies. Void is too op. He does this . He does that" without even looking at his roster. I didn't say anything bad about void.
And about talking about warlock. if there is a discussion about warlock I would talk about him.Here we are not talking about any champ. We are just helping him make a decision. You are making no sense here.
You just love to argue, don't you? You haven't even used Void in act 6. And I assume you also haven't used him in map 6 or high tier war. As someone like you who is fairly inexperienced with him, I wonder what you're trying to debate at the end of the day.
I am trying to debate nothing. You said I brought the other champs and that's why I was talking. There was no need for me to say anything else. Neither was for you. And now I won't say anything else. My points are all presented.
Guys I’ve certainly enjoyed the wonderful debates, I may lean towards awakening archangel because he provides something new to my team. Thanks for the terrific feedback!
@Aleor how does void cover more fights? Isnt he only used for regen/power gain fights?
@GagoH Well, he clearly covers more fight then AA, wich is what I meant. AA doesn't work best, of there is bleed or poison immunity. Bleed immune champs are terrible for him, and poison immune who can bleed - you will have some damage, but it's less then nt and no aar.
As for void overall - he works for any fight, if there is no debuff immunity or shrug off. Yes, one of his debuffs reverses power gain and then, other debuffs are not as important. But you can also use him for any fight without something like bleed node. For fights, where you don't want to hit opponent, he's one of three suitable champs (also omega and quake). Fights with him may take time, but he works for almost always
But you wont really use void if theres no regen or power gain. The damage will be super slow. I guess this is probably wrong since people use him to solo thing bosses in aw. Maybe someone can enlighten me where else hed be used for
He can and should be used everywhere. There are so many situations where you want to avoid contact on the opponent or keep a low hit count which is why Omega and Quake are so God-like and Void is no different. Along with doing solid damage without touching the opponent, his debuffs shut down most abilities making him a solid counter to almost everything.
The no /low hit count makes sense, but I thought his debuffs were mainly for regen/power gain, and somewhat evade champs (doesnt fully shut down evade)?
@Aleor how does void cover more fights? Isnt he only used for regen/power gain fights?
@GagoH Well, he clearly covers more fight then AA, wich is what I meant. AA doesn't work best, of there is bleed or poison immunity. Bleed immune champs are terrible for him, and poison immune who can bleed - you will have some damage, but it's less then nt and no aar.
As for void overall - he works for any fight, if there is no debuff immunity or shrug off. Yes, one of his debuffs reverses power gain and then, other debuffs are not as important. But you can also use him for any fight without something like bleed node. For fights, where you don't want to hit opponent, he's one of three suitable champs (also omega and quake). Fights with him may take time, but he works for almost always
But you wont really use void if theres no regen or power gain. The damage will be super slow. I guess this is probably wrong since people use him to solo thing bosses in aw. Maybe someone can enlighten me where else hed be used for
He can and should be used everywhere. There are so many situations where you want to avoid contact on the opponent or keep a low hit count which is why Omega and Quake are so God-like and Void is no different. Along with doing solid damage without touching the opponent, his debuffs shut down most abilities making him a solid counter to almost everything.
The no /low hit count makes sense, but I thought his debuffs were mainly for regen/power gain, and somewhat evade champs (doesnt fully shut down evade)?
It does fully shut down evade. So heal reversal, power gain reversal, and evade counter. You really don't need much more, especially when you're barely ever touching the opponent.
Well, he clearly covers more fight then AA, wich is what I meant. AA doesn't work best, of there is bleed or poison immunity. Bleed immune champs are terrible for him, and poison immune who can bleed - you will have some damage, but it's less then nt and no aar.
As for void overall - he works for any fight, if there is no debuff immunity or shrug off. Yes, one of his debuffs reverses power gain and then, other debuffs are not as important. But you can also use him for any fight without something like bleed node. For fights, where you don't want to hit opponent, he's one of three suitable champs (also omega and quake). Fights with him may take time, but he works for almost always
You decided yourselves that it was unnecessary to point
out the champs that have those utilities which void has. I had to be specific. Telling the op only that he has those champs without telling him the names is just too vague.
You were the one who started fighting. Saying:
"Lies. Void is too op. He does this . He does that"
without even looking at his roster.
I didn't say anything bad about void.
And about talking about warlock. if there is a discussion about warlock I would talk about him.Here we are not talking about any champ. We are just helping him make a decision. You are making no sense here.
And now I won't say anything else. My points are all presented.